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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: January 15th, 2024


  • It’s one of the most financialized and ineffective projects in the entire US military, and that’s really saying something. It’s billed as a hypothetical way for our close allies to use nukes, We would use ICBMs in real nuclear warfare which everyone knows is being stashed actoss Europe and Israel not-so-secretly the F35 shit is LARPing, but anyways conveniently nobody really plans on it since it would result in us getting property damage lol.

    Anyways that’s a red herring the real issues is the expense and the production of the parts for it + the amount of time it has to spend being babied by mechanics!

    That shit is so unreliable even when it’s not damn near killing the pilots with shitty ejects or weird landings, you want to see a video? It’s Fed up. Guy’s head clearly gets SMASHED against the Fing plane.

    It’s way less reliable based on inclement weather than these prototype direct energy weapons.

    We have effective weapons programs I don’t feel the need to talk about F35 when it’s so well covered. I can get you democrat, republican, bloodless investor, or communist takes on it

  • You genuinely have poor reading comprehension. Okay let me walk you through this, laser weapons require extremely high grade manufacturing and electronics to produce. China is a leader in this.

    Chinese metallurgy is top tier and they have all the rare earth production there as a result. This is very important for battery technology, which is critical for lasers. They will have plasma batteries for aircraft eventually, but that’s not important for this stuff right now. The energy density requirements for aircraft are ridiculous. They may need parallel anti aircraft drones to fly along with next gen fighters that carry directed energy weapons in appropriate conditions.

    I’m not debating you point by point your overall view of their military and tech capabilties seems to be from the 90s

    You’re just talking to an American who has investment experience, sorry that we care about actual facts instead of Reddit karma. Karma doesn’t depreciate because it’s completely worthless, like you.

  • Sulk and downvote me all you want it’s just another expression of our imperial decline. Online reddit escapism. You probably still think Ukraine is winning.

    Your country is becoming like Senegal used to be to us, a source of crude oil to import and a place to export fuel at once. We are DRINKING your MILKSHAKE. 😂😂😂

    China is pioneering entire new forms of laser cooling systems. The UK is quite literally catching up.

    As proven by China’s ability to build regular coal power plants at a high standards, nuclear reactors, mass manufacture solar to bring costs down and invent new technologies with batteries outside lithium ion such as zinc-hydrogen, flow batteries, even kinetic batteries. They will be the leaders in the modern next gen battlefield control techniques. Look at their new aircraft carrier designs. We can’t even build new aircraft carriers at an acceptable rate.

    They created a wave-based power system that will surely be useful throughout Indonesia, where they are also building the world’s fastest high speed rail.

    Tell me, what has the left in the UK done for the world lately other than join hands with the right and send money to nazis?