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Cake day: June 17th, 2023

  • rawn@feddit.detoAsk Lemmy@lemmy.worldDaughters and Fathers
    4 months ago

    I don’t have much positive examples, but I suppose we can learn from mistakes. Alright, here goes …

    • You just created a new human. This human to a certain degree takes precedence now. Plan accordingly, don’t move every 2 years, give her a chance to grow with her environment. (I can explain this is detail if needed.)
    • If your kids cries, it’s probably not because it’s an evil manipulator. It does not need to be told to be tough.
    • If your kid consistently gets sick when she has to go to school, don’t just send her anyway, check if there’s a reason.
    • Be curious! When she says or does something you don’t understand, ask. Be open about the answer and don’t judge what you hear.
    • Be on her side. If you’re taking a different position, explain the why and how.
    • Clean up together, involve her, be a part of it! Show her that men have a part to play in household stuff, teach her that it can be fun to live in a tidy, clean, beautiful space.
    • Your child is not part of fights with your wife. If you want to go to Hawaii and your wife wants Canada, your kid will not be the one to decide.
    • Don’t make jokes about or be ironic with a kid. A 14 year old is still a kid, a 16yo is still a kid. Kids are very vulnerable and you’re teaching them, that they can’t trust you with stuff. Particularly when it comes to love/gender/sex/periods, just don’t act like it’s funny.
    • Do not comment body shape, not hers, not others, not in general. You have a type? Good for you, but that isn’t for your daughter to know or consider. If you like petite dark haired women but your daughter is tall and blonde, she will understand this as her not being pretty enough. No matter how pretty she is or if your wife is just as tall and blonde. Sentences like “All xy-women eventually turn into square shape, it’s just how that demographic works” are shitty without you telling this to your kid.
    • She likes a boy band? Great, you can drive her to the gig and pick her up later!
    • She reads teenager magazines because she’s a teenager, maybe you want to hear her opinion on this stuff. She certainly doesn’t need any condescending attitude though.
    • Maybe sometimes children need to be humbled, but many times life will do that on its own. Consider your own vulnerabilities, before putting them in their place. What they said may sound arrogant, but still be true for their situation.
    • Whatever she wants to do or create: Be supportive! She does not need to be a child genius and you don’t need to tell her, that she’s not Picasso.
    • “There will only be boys there, are you sure that’s what you want to do?” is not in your vocabulary.
    • When she picks a study subject, maybe don’t point out that this may be too hard for her. Help her prepare instead!

    You can do this! My list is very long, but ultimately simple: If you lean into your own vulnerabilities and share this with her, a lot of these things will happen on their own. Be open and curious. You can’t teach her everything, she’ll have to fall on her face by herself. Be there to pick her up afterwards and just keep that up.

  • Nett fragen, ob du früher rein kommst.

    Auf jeden Fall einen Nachsendeauftrag bei der Post, der kostet nicht viel und erspart dir im Zweifel Ärger.

    Adresse trägst du nach dem Umzug bei Banken und Versicherungen um. Nicht vergessen dich umzumelden.


    Rechtzeitig (!) packen, Kisten nicht zu schwer machen, Freunde und Familie zum Helfen überreden, anschließend alle mit Pizza entschädigen und die Kür: Einfach gleich auspacken und nicht 2 Monate warten.

    Viel Erfolg!

  • rawn@feddit.detoDeutschland@feddit.deqqq
    8 months ago

    Arbeite nicht mehr in dem Kontext, habe aber mal Pflege gemacht.

    Schwierig ist hier, dass er das spezifisch von dir will. Andere will er nicht fragen. Das wäre für mich die Grundlage, mich da abzugrenzen.

    Ja, kann sein, dass er sich bei dir sicher fühlt, aber es ist nicht dein Job und so viel wird ihm auch ohne Deutsch klar sein. Sprecht mit dem Physio, vielleicht auch mit seinen Angehörigen, was man da anbieten kann und ob die übersetzten können.

    Er hat es irgendwie geschafft dir das mitzuteilen, damit versteht er mindestens “Nein” und “Nicht ich, Physio” und damit würde ich die Diskussion beenden.

    Es ist weder in deinem Interesse, noch im Interesse der anderen Patienten, wenn du da extra Zeit investierst, denn die Forderung kommt ja wieder, verursacht zusätzlich Druck auf dich und geht über die Grenzen deiner Kapazität und auch deiner Arbeit hinaus. Sag Nein, vielleicht findet ihr ja eine bessere Lösung.

  • As someone who was born here and moved back home (from the UK) a few years ago: I do absolutely have intense feelings about how and why I came home and what rules and regulations I really value ever since, that were completely meaningless to me before.

    Some more general thoughts: Depending on the level of xenophobia people experienced in their country of origin, they may also feel the need to “give back” to a place they weren’t born to (when really they’re a free gift, cause we don’t have to pay their education) and experience others as ungrateful. These feelings may be stronger if they get the impression that the other party are maybe some kind of “digital nomad” simply looking for the best package deal, regardless of where exactly they go to, as long as it’s good for them.