That is self-aggrandizement.
That is self-aggrandizement.
I wonder if the reporters appreciated asking questions to someone who can stay on topic explain the answer and form whole sentences.
What research papers have been published with all variables showing that face coverings prevent infection, and people who did not wear anything suffered permanent health damage? I’m not asking statements, but published papers that definitely show that wearing something prevented spreading, and people who didn’t caused the spreading. A news story is not acceptable, only scientic journals or papers to read through the methodology and results.
The only way to lessen transmission is for 100% of the population to never go outside, never open their door. No driving in the entire country, no deliveries, no stores open, no hospitals open, ambuulence, or police, no businesses or offices open, all airports shut down, so in the entire country no one single person ever steps outside. If you won’t comply with that then you are not serious about stopping it.
100% of everything Biden did was a scam. 100% of every statement from Biden government officials was a lie. Pick any topic or subject at random, the Biden government lied to you.
Isn’t a GPU that pulls 600 watts in the whackjob territory?
The engineers need to get the 6090 to use 400 watts. That would be a very big PR win that does not need any marketing spin to sell.
We’ll find out how the 5080 is on Thursday, but I expect that the 5070 Ti should have cool temperatures.
All they know is losing and wanting to destroy everything in existance. The left have no clue how to built structure, order, amd consistency for a society where people have all differing views in agreement and disagreement, including rejecting what they believe, but making sure people in disgreement must maintain dignity with each other.
Can AIB’s add extra sensors for the OS to read, or will the nVidia driver not provide that level of information?
I tried a GPS app with wi-fi and it wouldn’t work without SIM card installed or phone service.