Why does it matter if a harasser sees your tweets? How can they interact with the tweets when muted?
Why does it matter if a harasser sees your tweets? How can they interact with the tweets when muted?
Muted accounts can’t @ you either.
The only difference between block and mute is that your are informing them they are blocked, prompting them to make an alt so that they can keep doing shit.
Interact how? You will never see anything they do.
Why does that matter at all?
Complain about mute? How will they know they have been muted?
Why isn’t the mute function enough?
I actually never understood why the block function existed, it clearly told the account you blocked that you have blocked them, prompting them to create an alt.
Mute is like shadowban, you won’t ever see them and they believe that you can see them.
How does mute work?
More lenient?!
I like to watch people playing Hearts of Iron 4 (a WW2 strategy game) and most of the creators avoid saying “Hitler” to avoid getting demonetized and hit with an age check.
It’s getting a lot worse.
YouTube does this sadly.
When I worked at a store we closed for new customers at 21:45 because we had so many coming in and then leisurely walking around and taking their time.
With all the things needed to be done before going home we got to work overtime several times a week due to inconsiderate customers.
I would blame all the late arrivals and them being inconsiderate.
Detta är jättebra nyheter! Nu kan laget vila upp sig till fredagens match mot Japan.
Läser man rapporten så handlar det mycket om att Migrationsverket agerar på förlegade stereotyper om hur HBTQI±personer kommer fram till sin könsidentitet samt att myndigheten blandar ihop olika juridiska koncept.
Det framgår också att det är otroligt svårt att bekräfta sanningshalten av asylsökandes historier vilket jag lätt kan förstå.
Något som förvärrar situationen är de asylsökande som efter ett avslag helt plötsligt säger sig ha en (enligt hemlandet) avvikande könsidentitet.
Jobbig situation helt enkelt, det finns mycket som myndigheten kan jobba på.
And you sound like a person who has extremely limited knowledge of Sweden.
Ja det tror jag tyvärr, känns som så iaf och ingen ljusning i sikte enligt SMHI.
Not me but my friend always say “Engage!” when he activates his electric recliner.
There is no system permission I’m aware of that will give other applications access to Signal which is an app made to be secure with at least a PIN code for accessing it.
I lost SMS support this spring, Signal posted about this in October 2022. I’m on Android and PC.
I have a hard time seeing how this app gets my Signal info, SMS is no longer supported in Signal.
What do you mean? Similar vulnerabilities/apps/phishing has been available on iOS since at least 2020.
Everyone says muted accounts can “interact” with ones tweets but no one can inform me in what way.
How can muted accounts make so that you see what their doing?