
  • 5 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: March 6th, 2024


  • That’s very interesting. The house is looking nice, the costs are not high and open source plan… Oh my!

    But North American seems to live in an other world sometime. My whole family live in a flat the of his “small” house. The flat is on the smaller side, yes, but it is not crowded and the house presented is not even small for a couple with two kids.

  • Big mistake here : Calling change in Paris change in France. Paris metropolitan area is basically its own small world within France, things that happened in Paris usually don’t apply, or at least don’t apply the same, in France.

    Living outside of Paris I can tell you we see that there is fast change there and it seems to be for the better in term of city livability. Still, this is still not much spread out into parisian suburbs which always had the worst live conditions.
    In other big city, change toward ‘15 minutes’ cities are happening much slower if at all and in towns and rural France the concept non existant.

  • What is FNB?

    But the only way I can think of to get the idea out there that people should share what they grow is to flat-out say, “you should share what you grow”

    Have you tried the following?
    “That would make great gift!”
    “You don’t have to worry about finding present idea!”
    “your [insert family member from a different household]/neighbour must love them!”
    “I wish I had such a production. I could give some to [insert charity] they always need some.”
    “Your friend must love you (^_-)” ~ Ok, that one is a bit rude, but you can reformulate.

    People don’t become in one day generous people that are open to give away and share there private property. It happened over time, starting with sharing within the most intimate circle and slowly spreading away until reaching strangers. Something like family>friend>neighbour>college>extended family> local community> anyone that could need it.

    You could also mention how they could benefit from being part of community that share and how just a few people starting to share come make it possible.