If it works it works. 💁🏼♂️ As someone who tends to overengineer lots of things being reminded that “good enough is good enough” is priceless.
Op just make sure the map is zoomed in as much as possible and necessary and this should work fine.
If it works it works. 💁🏼♂️ As someone who tends to overengineer lots of things being reminded that “good enough is good enough” is priceless.
Op just make sure the map is zoomed in as much as possible and necessary and this should work fine.
Almost 30 and I still have issues pronouncing certain 2 digit numbers. Like 67. I sometimes need to think for a sec to pronounce it correctly. Spoke German all my life. The other way around would be much simpler for me but I also feel it’s weird.
That aside: wtf is going on with the Danes?
Edit: Just reread my own comment with my own example I came up with 10 seconds ago and struggle to pronounce it correctly in my mind.
Das ist der Anlass eine Tabelle gegenüber einer Bilderreihe vorzusehen wenn ich je eine gesehen habe.
So gern ich die Aktionen der LG habe und sehen will: der Umgang mit den Daten aus solchen Kontaktformularen wäre mir seit der Geschichte in Bayern einfach maximal zu heikel. Da helf ich lieber indem ich einfach vor Ort was mache und bin nicht in irgendeiner “Datenbank”.
Wie hast du da den Weg in die Selbstständigkeit gefunden? :)
Und was für Aufträge bearbeitest du?
I usually only steam frozen veggies. Then after steaming I might stir fry. If I do the second I pull them a little before they are soft on the inside.