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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: February 12th, 2024


  • neckbearderino@feddit.detoAtheism@feddit.deReal Jesus
    7 months ago

    What I don’t like about a lot of atheists is that they want to force a narrative thats simply not true. I myself am an agnostic, fyi.

    Although most claim they are men of science, they often simply fall back on striking populism.

    I understand what this picture is trying to communicate, but Jesus was most probably a historical figure, just not the one that the Bible is trying to make of him and he most certainly did not have SUCH a dark skin tone, just take a look at the average Palestinian.

    Other than that in a religious context Jesus gets portrayed very different in different regions with different common phenotypes so that there is more room for identification for the average Christian and making it easier for the particular population to convert. In East Asia for example Jesus gets portrayed quite East-Asiatic, whereas in Western countries he often gets portrayed more like an average Westerner. Thats because in a religious context his actual phenotype doesn’t really matter.

  • SMS oder XMPP (die, die Wert darauf legen mit mir in Kontakt zu bleiben setzen sich gerne damit auseinander). Ansonsten Telefonate, vielleicht mal 'ne Mail oder, ganz altmodisch, vorbeischauen, wenn die Familie in der Nähe ist.

    Das hat auch den Vorteil, dass man weniger mit irgendwelchen Trivialitäten genervt wird, da die meisten lieber schnell mal auf das WA-Icon klicken um dir irgendeinen Unsinn zu senden oder dich aus Langeweile voll zu texten, statt zur guten, alten SMS, denn die wird so habe ich die Erfahrung gemacht nur in Anspruch genommen, wenn es wirklich wichtig ist.

    Seit ich mich von WA gelöst habe ist mein Leben irgendwie stressfreier und so auch viel schöner.