Even better, wear loose generic clothes like a long black skirt and a baggy long sleeve shirt.
Investigators can narrow down suspects by using security footage to measure things like femur or forearm length. Baggy clothes make this much harder to do, because you can’t see exactly where the joints are. It introduces a lot of reasonable doubt that your defense lawyer can use to tear apart any video evidence they present.
I’m honestly surprised that isn’t already the case. The first year of college 101 courses in America are often just rehashes of high school. Because the American high schools are so inconsistent, that the university wants all of their incoming students to at least have the same baseline. I went to a decent high school so it was 100% repeated content for me. If given the option, I could have skipped the entire first year of classes. But I had a shocking number of classmates who apparently had never seen anything past basic quadratic equations before.