Not a shitpost. Just the truth
Not a shitpost. Just the truth
Of course. That’s also really important if you are ugly and want to find love. Silly me
But she knew that he was rich. So if you are ugly as heck you only need to be rich to get the beautiful girl. What a nice story to inspire the young.
Oh ok. Thx for the answer :)
Custom 0% it’s quite simple.
Honestly those usecases described here shouldn’t have been done in js in the first place.
Has anyone else clicked the url in the article …
You are not supposed to throw from that far back. You can see the line on the bottom where you are supposed to stand.
Thx for the answer.
Is there an update on the state of the update?
Thats just how you eat a pizza. It’s not supposed to be earth with fork and knife.
It’s just really inconsistent.
English is such a shitty language
More like straight out of westworld.