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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I’m seeing if I can get through tactician with this build, and it seems like it’s going well so far (no spoilers): necromancer wizard with weapon master feat to use great weapons. Haven’t added armor yet since I’m relying on blur for dodge, shield reaction, and blindness for large threats. Almost done with act 1 so I’m not sure how the power fantasy will look like later in the game or what items are available.

    This has revolved around an item that sets intelligence to a specific value. So I was able to drop all int, put it into strength, and essentially be a lich-esque wizard. Been interesting to say the least and teleporting to baddies with misty step has been a lot of fun. I may go into the tadpole tree and spec into the skill that punishes when enemies miss their rolls (which they are disadvantaged from via blur and also the ilithid skill itself). The sustain is good with vampiric touch; and if I fall under half health for whatever reason, I have a greataxe that does additional damage.

    This game is amazing so far.

  • They both achieve the same thing in different ways, but it comes down to philosophy if that even matters to the user. You can build gentoo for example with openrc or systemd, and depending on what you do you’ll need to integrate things differently (using elogind with openrc since logind is systemd specific). In gentoo it affects how you’ll compile. Its really a non issue, but it all depends on what level folks wanna spend on something that could potentially be different. I use openrc daily on multiple setups and it took maybe a week of using it to get the hang of it. Its just operationally different.

    Does it really matter for most folks? No. But if its something you find interesting, it can be a nice change based on personal views and principles. I run openrc because I personally as a programmer don’t believe in how “proprietary” systemd is designed, nor agree with the decisions the maintainers have made. That’s just my opinion. At the end of the day it doesn’t technically matter.

    This is a more hardcore viewpoint but it covers a lot of the issues folks have with it. https://suckless.org/sucks/systemd/

  • It’s pretty memed on at this point (arch users, gentoo users, NixOS et. al) but I’d make the point - truly without being pedantic - sometimes you just want stuff the way you want them. Should everybody deal with portage on a daily basis? God no. Is it a viable option for folks to keep their build in check and know exactly what’s going on down to their flags/libs? Absolutely. Same reasons with why some folks jive with the AUR.

    It’s all about finding use case, just like any piece of tech. Yes there’s dick measuring and all else that comes with that, but there’s a good amount of merit to “I like how this distro revolves around x, it makes sense to me so it’s easier for me to maintain”. If those are some of the things that get Linux on the daily driver aspect, I’m all with it.