Is libreddit dead if you self host and don’t make enough requests to end up rate limited?
Is libreddit dead if you self host and don’t make enough requests to end up rate limited?
All of the public instances seem to be rate limited and not return any results. Take it you don’t get that issue self-hosting it?
Personally, I have That was a domain I set up when I was self employed, contracting for people, trying to look ‘professional’ I still use it to this day, though the professional requirement is gone now since I’m employed by a company. Still, it’s catchy and not that expensive, so I keep it, and renew for long periods of time.
Then I have another domain, not personally identifiable, for whatever stuff I want to host/play with. This one is a three letter .ac domain, I got 10 years for $200 ish. The three letters are my initials
So you say, is there usefulness in having a real name domain? Not unless it’s your business. For me, when I was contracting, it was a simple attempt to get clients to remember me over the hundreds of others
To me, ones like always seem like a lazy attempt, for a ‘business’
Eddie scores a hatrick right after the sky news interview with Dide? He also seems like a guy who holds a lot of feelings in. I reckon Eddie just needs recognition to flourish
I don’t mind Michael Oliver.
We need to come out the gates hot, and sting them early
Gonna be a beautiful sunny day, atmosphere should be on point.
Lets get it boys! COYG
Havertz goal from open play please Woooo!
Of course it’s self hosting. The term “self hosting” just means being in control of the service or host yourself, as opposed to that being controlled by a third party.
It doesn’t mean the hardware has to be in your house. It just so happens that that is the majority preference, because people value privacy, and are often hosting private data.
As much as I dislike Apple, this can only be a good thing. Hopefully other companies will follow suit, and we’ll eventually look back and frown at how our electrical accessories were wrapped in bits of skin
if one already has set their (primitive) curves in the crappy bios interface, does this just override them once the daemon is running?