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Joined 1 年前
Cake day: 2023年7月7日


  • :/ then it was probably just because it was the first time… it really hurts bad the first couple of times… it may help to go by hand for a bit and lighten up that forest with flat tipped tweezers? just ripping one hair out or a group of three or what ever you have ^^‘’ may be less painful than the constant buzz of the rollers… just use new and disinfected tweezers

  • it’s tragic, not even the pharaohs were allowed to enjoy eternity playing overwhat or valthever with anubis… wasnt the point of the pyramids to their remains to be left undisturbed? what if they get? they haunt the earth? that would explain alot actually, lets call that accumulation of ghost essence theory, or age theory, by which the bullshit accumulates over the ages and eventually there wont be anyone left to follow the old rites and …

    ok i ran dry. thank you for listening to my ted talk

  • toxic waste is more managable than radioactive waste. that is the logic that i am pounding on here.

    your logic says: let future generations take care of stuff we cant manage.

    and i say: it would be very irresponsible as we already have messed up the planet enough. let’s not add harder to manage waste to what’s already there.

    can we just agree to disagree?

    im not even saying we should ban research or something, there is still radioactive waste to manage

  • i do not think something that stays dangerous for longer than you have not shat your pants is negligible.

    if shitting your pants was the way to get rid of radioactive waste, i would be all for it, but as it stands all you would be left with would be tainted with nobody to clean it up for you. and somebody would still have to take care of the radioactive waste… it doesnt just vanish. there are no organisms that eat it up and make it into foodstuffs for others.

    maths can say it is negligible, but then sad hard reality kicks in and you have to be holding on to something that can kill not just you but anybody you tell to take over for you. this is not a place of honor

  • whats your problem? who said we want to keep using fossil fuels forever? to me, the thing about nuclear power is its waste products and the timescales on which that degrades into something less but still as dangerous as before slow clap

    did you know? getting insurance for a nuclear power plant is possible! but you might as well build a new nuclear power plant every year to spend that money more wisely… source some german paper: https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/kernkraft-ist-nachhaltig-nachhaltig-unversicherbar-a-f6d8ef67-4f51-4697-965a-add0480ca712

    we need to get off fossil fuels and nuclear fuels are one of them.

    i mean sure, choose a timescale large enough and even the sun becomes a fossil fuel, but thats silly: sipping-off-the-suns-emissions itself, the operation of solar panels is not really degrading anybodies quality of life, except perhaps those who might look down onto now reflecting rooftops… making them is of course power consuming, but we are making stuff that makes power which takes power… and instead of just nodding at each other and chugging along we start bickering about the not tasty, not smelly stuff that makes your hair fall out all funny like…and ogle at it? wtf?

    but ok you know what?: sure but only if you are personally responsible to have that thing in your backyard and fix it when it inevitably shits itself. also: garbage days are all yours now

  • yeah protein powders are kinda a godsend for those who dont want to binge on meat, cheese and fish… which all can lead to constipation if overeaten (at least meat and cheese, but fish can contain mercury and other shit…)

    still not a doctor: yes that craving is probably your blood sugar doing its rounds on your insulin rollercoaster. chocolate is good for the mood so im not suggesting dropping it entirely, but perhaps shift to darker chocolate types, the higher the cocoa contents the better. (please buy them from some good fairtrade thingie if you have the money :) the important bit is to not snack on anything that contains sugars in the sense of fructose, glucose, sucrose, maltose or some sirup of them (which is just to say someone added water i think…)

    instead try nuts if you must snack, but try to stick to 3 regular healthy meals per day and the cravings inbetween will diminish. again, i still am not studying medicine nor am i practicing it or anything just regular janet doing her own bullshit research and reasoning…

    i would consider honey as better than processed sugar, but only by a margin. i did read about some honey with a low glycemic index, but in the end it mostly consists of simple sugars, so… even if i did have some low GI honey, i wouldnt snack on it directly but maybe use it as an ingredient and in moderation. if you like nuts, {i hope you like nuts, (pls like nuts)}, you could use it as the “glue” in a nutbar if you want to give it a go with arts and crafts ^^

    fruit is good, as it’s healthy, but most fruit has a high GI (though being a natural produce they all vary in sugar content but on average;), but my google searches for “glycemic index fruits” comes up with cherries and apples having a lower GI than other fruit

    bananas are particularly starchy so no wonder their GI is higher than oranges, but i didnt expect apples to win that one… grapefruit are the fruit with the lowest GI btw. but e.g. yoghurt has a bit more than half the GI of grapefruit, but in both cases, just the plain yoghurt, just the plain grapefruit …

    anyhow. i would recommend getting stuff like bread and noodles made from wholemeal flour and also rice can be bought with husks or somethign and i can assure you its delicious…

    potatoes? yeah i think they are kinda neat actually… and rich in fiber too. boiled in salt water, add some cubed bacon and you already have a delicious meal, perhaps some sauerkraut on the side too? fuck im hungry