Check unclaimed funds with states you’ve lived in. No shit. I did it last year and found like 1500 bucks just in deposits past landlords said I didn’t deserve. The landlords might be shady but their accountants aren’t.
Middle name’s The.
Check unclaimed funds with states you’ve lived in. No shit. I did it last year and found like 1500 bucks just in deposits past landlords said I didn’t deserve. The landlords might be shady but their accountants aren’t.
No shit. With or without Trump the risk and writing on the wall has been there for some time. Krasnov and his Ketamine addicted financer are just accelerating an already existing problem with uncapped capitalism and the overly complex and unfairly weighted tax system.
Right? Fuck around and find out. Damn them all for setting us on this path of this hellscape they set us all upon. If you’re MAGA or didn’t vote at all I don’t have the sympathy or empathy left to give a shit what happens. The leopards are going to eat so many faces the next four years they’re going to die of obesity.
Good. Let it fucking burn.