Man, that video brings back nostalgia.
Man, that video brings back nostalgia.
Single point of failure for the whole internet.
Unobtainable and will be mostly sold to run advertising displays and business epos systems. Miss me with that shit.
It looks like a rental.
I can’t even tell if its normal face, or shrunken just a little any more.
Adding things for pirates to do to get out of the only punishment the game can give them while simultaneously turning players into cucks when they’re boarded by opportunists at an outpost. If you’ve got on my ship, I should be splattering your brains over my windscreen, not waiting for your buddies to arrive to make this into a shit hostage situation.
The continued existence of my ship should be tethered to my heart rate (I guess until you’ve done some vulnerability-exposing minigame). If I die, you should be going to hell with me.
I have been beaten into submission into accepting the train commute and re-gearing dressing of the kendoll every time I die in a mission already.
Adding pirate “gameplay” before adding pirate things to do is insane. The fucking screaming every time someone suggests PvE servers that come from the pirate-types is hillarious. They depend on having some dad-trucker type player to predate on.
This is star citizen for me. They keep desperately making it less fun each update.
After pulling their teeth, starved pigs will happilly eat a whole human body. That’s what I was getting at.
the one that does me in is the video of a guy in china using a lathe and getting wrapped around it.
The machine doesn’t care. It just spins things. Including you.
Pending fertilizer and pig-treat.
Had this issue with a fucking telegram group of all things and just started clowning on them sending obviously fake IDs.
“It be that way because the way it do”
Literally seen more whining about politics than I’ve seen politics.
Danger: Helvetica
That would require the humans controlling the experiment to both be willing to input altruistic goals AND accept the consequences that get us there.
We can’t even surrender a drop of individualism and accept that trains are the way we should travel non-trivial distances.
Until computers can be genuinely creative, and not emulate creativity, its not gonna happen. And when that happens, we’re either getting the startrek luxury space communism, or a boot smashing our head into the kerb for eternity. No middle ground.
If the humans can’t see the flaws and correct them now, what do you think the AI would learn from the training data?
the problem with the current model for building AI is training it based on existing policy and thought. Which means it’d just be what we have now but somehow hallucinate more contradictory policy.
Well ain’t that the dumbest shit ever. Some of the worlds cleanest water being fed to a machine to hallucinate code that doesn’t work while water scarcity starts to come home to roost.
The pixel bar looks like a cancer lump. If its gonna be that thick, make the rest of it battery