It’s very simple to just print the same QR on the cheese by just taking a picture of it. The barrier to counterfeit the cheese is considerably higher if the measure is harder to copy.
It’s very simple to just print the same QR on the cheese by just taking a picture of it. The barrier to counterfeit the cheese is considerably higher if the measure is harder to copy.
Brutalist architecture should be super effective against vampires.
Also IKEA furniture.
I was only aware of the m.2 variants.
Still, it’s a thing to be bought which I have not had to do for years for my media solution.
It’s an interesting idea to patch the holes when absolutely no srt files are available.
But why not have an open repository where already present srt files could be shared by people.
We could call it libre-subs or something like that.
That’s still another thing that needs to be bought, installed, and fed with power.
My low power would likely melt trying to run Whisper.
You just need a GPU running in realtime along side your video playback to analyse what is being played instead of a single text file with timecodes.
Why not Bi-Fi? There is even merch for that already
The way the 9-11 oysters are named implies that it’s a surprise which amount between 9 and 11 you might get.
Auszubildende leisten eine vertraglich geregelte Menge von Arbeitsstunden und bekommen dafür Geld von ihrem Arbeitgeber/Ausbildungsbetrieb. Ob man das jetzt Gehalt, Lohn oder Ausbildungsvergütung nennt würde ich mal für unerheblich halten, denn von vielen dieser Auszubildenden wird erwartet, dass sie allein von dieser Summe ihre gesamten Lebenshaltungskosten stemmen. Was in vielen Fällen witzlos bis absolut utopisch ist.
Ich finde das Verhältnis zwischen diesen geistigen Vollbremsungen und Satzzeichen immer äußerst spannend.
Entweder einfach überhaupt keine, sodass der geistige Durchfall ungebremst über die Tastatur rutscht oder zu viele Ausrufezeichen, als dass sie noch einen Effekt hätten.