• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • Thank you!

    This is what I came up with.

    • a script that does what you need, and reads a kinda ‘config file’ which Konsole instance/window/session to use
    • another script that saves the current session into that config file

    So you’d save the scripts somewhere you like, and run the useThisSession one in the session you’d like to be the target.

    Then, you can run / bind to a shortcut / … the runCommand script, and it will show, raise, set Session, and run the command on the target saved earlier.


    # useThisSession
    echo MYCMD_SERVICE=$KONSOLE_DBUS_SERVICE > ~/.config/mycmdrc
    echo MYCMD_SESSION=${KONSOLE_DBUS_SESSION#/Sessions/} >> ~/.config/mycmdrc
    echo MYCMD_WINDOW=${KONSOLE_DBUS_WINDOW#/Windows/} >> ~/.config/mycmdrc


    # runCommand
    . ~/.config/mycmdrc
    qdbus $MYCMD_SERVICE /konsole/MainWindow_$MYCMD_WINDOW showNormal
    qdbus $MYCMD_SERVICE /konsole/MainWindow_$MYCMD_WINDOW raise
    qdbus $MYCMD_SERVICE /Windows/$MYCMD_WINDOW setCurrentSession $MYCMD_SESSION
    qdbus $KONSOLE_DBUS_SERVICE /Sessions/$MYCMD_SESSION runCommand "echo cmd"

    For testing purposes, I’m using "echo cmd" instead of '!!' (note the different type of quotes) to not cause any… unintended… executions.

    Running qdbus $MYCMD_SERVICE /konsole/MainWindow_$MYCMD_WINDOW will show you all methods available on the Window, eg, so you can pick&choose from those if you want different behaviour from show (& un-minimize) and raise.

    EDIT: syntax adjusted to work in ‘regular’ bash

  • I “tried” to use XMPP/Jabber in its heyday, but in my experience (& memory) it never got to the point to have a “critical mass” of community (I felt to be part of / want to be part of).

    Fediverse/Lemmy has this critical mass at least since some weeks now - unless too many of those users decide to leave for another place, I’m happy here no matter what other things get hyped in a given week.

    Back in Jabber’s day, I would have liked to see it develop some communities as they did - and still do! - exist on IRC, but that simply never happened (with one I would both be interested in and could find).

  • I guess this will already have been said, but nonetheless:

    I like the feeling of community as it is right now in the Fediverse very much.

    Most of me hopes that it will not successfully federate with Meta, ever; or if it “must”, in a way that will be mostly irrelevant to me (communities I wouldn’t subscribe to in the first place, anyway).

    I don’t see how that, in turn, would give Meta any control over the parts of the Fediverse that I care about. If they want to join and contribute in good faith, fine. If not, also fine. Why should it change anything for Fediverse “centered” communities?

    I never cared about size or majority, but about quality of content and discourse. And I find that in those points, the current Fediverse much outshines anything else I’ve seen (Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, …) in the last decade or so.