You sound odd, like a child or someone not fluent if you don’t use our misuse the genders of words.
That being said, as native Spanish that lived in the UK for a while, I noticed that genders and verb forms are useful for providing more context when talking.
Cannot think of specific examples now, but in general in a phrase if you don’t hear a word or don’t know the meaning, it is easier to guess it because the rest of the phrase is constructed around the gender and more complex verbal forms.
I am living in a dry region (now it’s like 60% bc it’s winter, but in summer reaches almost 0%humidity). I was like you and also got humidifiers before, but my recommendation is that you forget about it and just let nature do it’s thing and plants adapt to your environment.
Obviously we cannot have ferns, but some plants like hoyas and such, you may be surprised that they adapt at the end and even thrive. At the end you do as you think best, but overcaring for plants that may be sick or cannot live in your climate is too big of a challenge long-term, take that into account