Inbred: chaorace’s family has been a bit too familiar. (Can be inherited)


  • 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • I took his criticisms of the combat as basically saying “this system is not interesting enough to form a satisfying gameplay loop”. That’s a critical statement which I actually agree with, though from my perspective that’s a key part of Persona’s core design: neither the combat system nor the social link system are endlessly enjoyable, so the player is intrinsically motivated to avoid lingering for too long and properly close the core gameplay loop by advancing the calendar. It’s that sort of pendulum-like cadence which gives the series its unique sense of momentum.

    I do think that it’s a shame RPS’s Matt was unable to find joy in P3R’s gameplay loop due to disliking the social-link system… but I also see it as an opportunity to better understand the game as a holistic package in a way that can’t be achieved through a more carefully measured, quantitative analysis. The way I see things, the game is the game – I’m much more interested in understanding what’s in the game rather than what’s not, if that makes any sense.

  • I tend to prefer clicking through the unscored reviews first since I find that it’s generally a mark of a quality outlet. Rock Paper Shotgun in particular is an old favorite of mine, so their’s is the first review that I clicked on and let me tell you guys: it’s a real firecracker!

    Matt clearly didn’t have a good time and I had to respectfully disagree with a lot of the points he’s made, but even so… his points are well-articulated and sensible. I’m rather glad for his uncommon perspective on the topic and I do think that RPS ultimately picked the right writer for the job. He hasn’t particularly changed my mind about a day-one purchase, of course – the main difference is now I’ll have a more nuanced and realistic expectation for what’s inside.

  • It’s a pretty different situation under closer examination. The DnD developers are ex-Nexon employees and they (allegedly) pitched the idea internally before deciding to leave and take the idea with them.

    Nexon thought that they had a legal leg to stand on because of how IP laws work (i.e.: employee ideas on company time are company IP). Perhaps more importantly; they probably felt a need to retaliate in order to send a message to other employees who might want to try something similar.

    Palworld, on the other hand, is made by a team with no ties whatsoever to GameFreak. If Pokemon were a younger franchise they might possibly have a patent case of some kind, but even the 3D games go back almost 24 years now.

  • Dude, I feel a lot of what you’re saying. I spent years making awful wages at terrible jobs, then fell ass-backwards into a six-figure career. The whiplash is really hard going from thinking you’ll die young and poor into having more than you know what to do with.

    With that being said, I have advice to share if you’re interested in such things:

    • Six figures isn’t rich, but it certainly is more than enough. After this point, finding even more money isn’t really going to make you much happier, so start prioritizing other important gains you can make in your career (hours, day-to-day job satisfaction)
    • Focus on improving emotional intelligence. You can afford stuff now, so you can no longer hide behind notions like “this stuff isn’t for poor people like me” – you need to find actual reasons to say no to things and that requires the skill of knowing why you want something.
    • Lots of problems can be solved with money, but you have to be super careful about it or you’ll just end up wrecking yourself! Feeling mixed up? Don’t buy self-help books – get therapy. Feeling lonely? Don’t buy friends – take some classes at the local community center. Feeling self-conscious? Don’t get a face-lift – hire a personal trainer and maybe a stylist.
    • Money guilt is real and it’s OK. Use that feeling to keep yourself down on Earth. Obviously look out for #1 first – pay off bad debt, max out your 401k, set aside enough cash to max out your insurance deductibles and still live a few months without income – once you’ve done that, dial back on the money hoarding. Be better than the assholes who kept you down: tip well, give back to the people who make the things you love, be charitable. Sharing is caring.

  • Aniplex announced on Thursday that the Off Season and Monster Season books in NisiOisin’s Monogatari series are getting an anime adaptation at studio SHAFT titled Monogatari Series Off & Monster Season.

    A still shot depicting Araragi doing an intense Shaft-style head tilt, except it has been edited to extended his neck to a freakishly abnormal length

    The Monster Season is real!!

    Returning staff for the new anime includes Akiyuki Simbo as chief director, Midori Yoshizawa (Zoku Owarimonogatari episode director) as director, and Akio Watanabe as character designer and chief animation director. Simbo and Fuyashi Tou are again overseeing the series scripts.

    And Aniplex is taking it seriously! Glad to see that those Kizumonogatari re-release bucks are being put to good use. Also, slightly related: Kizu’s coming to American theaters in 2024.

  • So, it is a matter of our friendly shinobu maintainer to get them merged and update shinobu’s database with the new show info

    My bad for the delay. Work’s been a real killer for the last week or so.

    The bad news is that when that occurs, shinobu will likely blast all the discussion threads at once into the community.

    Yup. I’m planning to do the thing overnight so that the backlogged posts fall out of the “Hot”/“Scaled” queues before most users have any a chance to see them.

    This will make it hard to find discussions for the shows that people actually want to talk about

    On that note… I’m thinking about migrating from the Holo bot codebase to the Rikka codebase you’ve been working on. Probably not at the same time we load the new seasonal config… but likely sometime in the nearish future. I suspect that the new engagement-based options you’ve introduced will help considerably reduce future backlog spam

  • Nice. Flagship features like these so often feel overlooked in the Linux GPU discussion. I like to think that’s because we’re all very serious pragmatists who don’t care for such frivolous addons, even if the simple truth is that vendors are indifferent towards Linux as an end-user platform.

    In light of that, features like these coming in with 1st-party support is a welcome sign that things are (slowly) changing. Emphasis on “slow”; I don’t find it terribly impressive that Nvidia’s partially reversed the proprietary own-goal which they call NVAPI, especially considering the still ongoing parade of new (also proprietary!) standards which they insist on shoehorning into it… but I’ll acknowledge that they’re making progress nevertheless 😤

  • For me they often provoke self-anger. I kept experiencing intrusive thoughts like “That’s the third time I died that way and I KNEW it was coming so what the hell’s wrong with me?” and “I can’t believe I choked AGAIN. I dragged my whole team down and now I’m 100 MMR deeper in the hole to show for it…”

    I wasn’t having fun anymore and decided to hang up my hat for good – these days I stick to TF2 when I want to scratch that multiplayer FPS itch. It’s so much nicer to play on my own terms in a setting where whether you win or lose everyone has fun and wants to stick around for another round or three.

  • Male A to Male C is abolutely possible. It’s the Male A to Female C adapters which are evil. There is no pinout mapping that will turn an A host into a “real” C host and that’s exactly what a Male A to Female C adapter purports to do.

    In any case, if you know what you’re doing then all bets are off the table. Hack away freely because at the end of the day it’s all just copper and bits anyway. With that being said, anyone who knows what they’re doing does not require my permission to… vague gesture know what they’re doing.

  • Like I said: in order to do it the non-evil way you need to cram in an onboard USB chip. Female USB-C from a Male USB-A plug-in is explicitly not possible to implement in a spec-compliant manner because of the pinouts.

    You can brute-force a smaller passive adapter like those online but it’s a devil’s bargain. Nobody targets these janky adapters when designing products. USB-C things will just break without any rhyme or reason because you’re fundamentally breaking the hardware contract and “lying” about the capabilities of your port.