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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Yes, it was a suicide, because his testimony wasn’t part of anything related to whistleblowing, he was appealing a loss of the wrongful termination lawsuit against Boeing.

    The idiots who never bothered to learn more than the man’s name think “big company killed whistleblower” are showing just how little they understand things.

    To recap, all the evidence from his whistleblowing was submitted to authorities 7 years ago. He had no bombshells to drop, no story that hadn’t been told, just a lawsuit over how Boeing retaliated against him for Whistleblowing 7 years ago, forcing him to “retire”.

    A few days before he killed himself, he was on the stand in front of the appeals judges, and from all accounts, they did not seem like they were going to overturn his loss. He was then called back for another round of testimony, but was already dead by then.

    Can you imagine a 7-year legal battle over being fired for having integrity? The stress this man must have felt?

    Boeing killed John Barnett, but they didn’t pull the trigger, he did. Don’t cheapen that with lies about some sort of conspiracy. Just know that Boeing is one of dozens of companies who have worked for decades to weaken labor protections.

  • I’m all for the establishment of a free Palestinian state, but Hamas has to go.

    Preferably through police action rather than the genocide that is a military intervention by Israel.

    Anyway, the Israeli government is in the wrong on all the counts you raised, but Hamas still needs to go. They’ve been fully co-opted by all sorts of outside groups, and their rule in Gaza before October 7th was one of fear and oppression. They are no one’s saviors, they’re just the meanest bastards in the prison, lashing out at the guards while abusing the other prisoners.

    The actual path to peace is a multinational police and peacekeeping force to come in and take over from the IDF, keeping the IDF out of it completely, and then opening up Gaza and the West Bank to the rest of the world. Possibly even ejecting the settlers from the West Bank and giving the land back.

    But a large part of this would be arresting Hamas leadership.

    And don’t think I’d let the IDF and Israeli government off scot-free for their part in all this. I’m sure there’s plenty of room in the local prisons for all the bastards in this mess.

    The end goal might be a single, secular state, where all people are guaranteed full rights and protections by the government.

  • It’s a two pronged attack.

    It has always been a two pronged attack.

    The rich assholes who want to fuck everyone over can’t just come out and say it, they need a Face to rile up the crowds, but that Face is a problem. The Face can turn on the rich fucks. Well, to an extent. They’re a useful charismatic fool, and possibly a danger to the rich, but mostly a danger to everyone else.

    Anyway, the solution is to stand next to the fool king, and pass him “advice”. Like a list of judges to appoint. “Don’t think about it, we vetted these guys, and they love you”.

    Then there’s the congressmen. “Don’t have time to write a bill? Well, we saved you the trouble. It even does some of the shit you’ve been ranting about, but mostly it makes us richer”.

    And that’s how it goes. People like Leonard Leo, Peter Thiel, Joel Kaplan. They’re the brains.

    They also funnel a shit-load of money into pushing their twisted ideologies.

  • Done for, but also done to.

    It’s that “Done to” that requires the largest showing of human decency now. After all, one of the first ways to make up for the wrongs of the past is to stop committing more wrongs.

    Sadly, we have two old men to choose from. One of which feels really bad about the wrongs he’s committed, but still hasn’t stopped. The other feels no remorse at all, ever, and will gleefully commit worse wrongs, all while quoting Hitler speeches.