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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • So I found that I pretty reliably get 185ish if I don’t think about it and just click. Now what happens is the test gives you a blue blue or green green, then throws you color just a bit over the line opposite of your first then throws you colors the opposite but closer to that line back and forth about every time. Seems like my picks tend to be A, B, A, B, A, B pretty consistently, which lead to the same outcomes. Not intentional choices for me, but it feels like the shock of seeing a color variance compared to the last color makes it feel like it’s “more green” or “more blue” than the previous. I feel like they should have a sort of pallet (unintentional pun) cleanser in between each color to give a true test.

  • Like others have said, it’s speaker wires. That’s not what you’d used for electrical wiring. Nothing wrong with being cautious and checking for voltage with a multimeter, but those are most likely speaker wires.

    The reason there are probably so many wires is they may have had a stereo receiver located there for patio audio or something similar with a cable box as one of the inputs on the receiver.

    You might look into buying a tone and probe kit if you are having trouble locating the wires. A toner runs an audio tone through the wires and the probe wand has a speaker that helps you hear and follow the sound that runs down the wire.

  • I still don’t understand. It’s not like it’s suddenly an always online game right? They still have offline mode. I’d be pissed if that disappeared.

    They didn’t add battle pass, seasons, package tiers, and other bullshit to milk players, they just require a sign on to use cross play and the complaint is you didn’t know ahead of time. Would something like that really honestly have affected the decision to buy it?

    Shit like what Helldivers pulled is absolutely a reason not to buy a game cause I’m not putting that trash on my PC. Look what happened with Crowdstrike, I’d rather my PC not get bricked cause of a shitty update. But that’s not what happened here.

    Like I said, I don’t get it, I just think it’s blown way out of proportion.

    If there’s a reason to be annoyed it should be that first lazy ass mission you have to sit/stand/emote through.