came_apart_at_Kmart [he/him, comrade/them]

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Attention Kmart Shoppers…
The maoist uprising against the landlords was the largest and most comprehensive proletarian revolution in history, and led to almost totally-equal redistribution of land among the peasantry.

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: September 15th, 2020


  • was just joking around with a sibling about how some of the most intensely “being highly intelligent is my identity” people from high school with supportive families grew up to be dumb as hell.

    the gifted valedictorian became a nurse, then went full “iraq had WMDs, but it was classified” chud, quit the workforce to have 4 children, is a god-tier horder with rooms full of actual garbage, and now is entangled in several MLMs shoveling a spouse’s very high income into a blackhole.

    the “actually, i have a 160 IQ” inherited a bunch of $$, bought a bunch of vehicles, had 5 kids, went full blown “dance mom” facebook+social media freakshow, and spends most of their effort trying to cultivate inappropriate relationships and fabricate dramas with other married spouses in their neighborhood.

    excellence and success are subjective. a life of curiosity, personal enrichment, family, and friends can be excellent without needing accolades or other features of careerist striving. but i’ll be damned if some really “smart” people don’t take their potential and, in defiance of the odds, turn it into a shit smoothie.

  • not to mention, many big developers aren’t paying cash to construct housing. they get a loan or establish a line of credit with or brokered via investors/banks/funds. the first rule of doing anything under capitalism is to use somebody else’s money to do it, and all those loans drawing on lines of credit ultimately leads back to the central bank anyway.

    it’s a massive shell game to obscure the fact that workers do all the work to create the products and services and then have to pay their shitty wages right back to access the very things they create, just so maybe 2-3 million megarich assholes can roll around in piles of money and make an income for doing literally nothing.

    landlords are among the most nakedly parasitic sectors of society, and even then we still get bootlicking bozos pretending they “provide” housing or are somehow responsible for the community infrastructure that makes living in the place where the house exists desirable.

  • that post was maybe 1500 words to summarize 100+ years of regional conflict with special attention on the last 10 years written in plain language. no special jargon or references to theoretical concepts. if that’s a “novel” for you, it definitely explains your grasp of this situation and affirms the critique that you are willfully ignorant and incapable of analysis beyond “russia bad.” and this is why people make fun of libs like you. many libs smugly dismiss conservatives as having “simple/childlike” worldviews and value systems. then they promptly adopt their own perfectly mirrored positions and petulantly stick their fingers in their ears like you’re doing here.

  • this shit is insidious, widespread, and cleverly deployed.

    i work at an R1 and years ago, i remember finding out about an on campus organization that connected young scientists with research institutions in china with incredible offers to study there. free tuition+housing+stipend, all coursework in english with mandarin lessons. and no requirement to stay there when complete. a pure “come learn some shit, you eager dorks” at the time i was finishing my MSci here, but the deal was absolutely incredible and the program selection/participating institution list was enormous. and we’re talking for stuff like ecology, the bastard child of US academy that relies entirely on highly competitive, small bean grants, very few assistantships with research results generally ignored and high burnout among professionals. i totally filed it away for an alternative when i finished my MSci if i was unhappy with my professional options.

    smashcut to a few years ago, the US comes down hard and insists any institution with this organization on its campus will have all fed funding clawed back. so naturally, it’s gone with a CYA style email from the uni president saying, “this has been a great opportunity for our students, but our hands are tied. we can’t give back $40 million [or whatever jumbo number].”

    the writing has been on the wall for the neoliberal research university: they are starving us out. only research with immediate industry application (i.e. petroleum geology, etc) is getting any love, the rest of us can fuck ourselves. and this move was to staunch the flow of brain drain to the places where people with political power want to support scientific inquiry. 10 years ago i was hearing stories from senior faculty that had visited china and these were all casual libs, but they were blown away by the resources being put into scientific investigation into environmental sciences. when asked, “what research questions do you want answered?” the administrators said, “that is for our scientists to determine.”

    i cannot even imagine how far beyond the US they will have leapt in the coming decades.