How does this form of protest translate into a change of the tipping system?
How does this form of protest translate into a change of the tipping system?
Really, you think it’s ok to call anyone subhuman bitches?
ah, hadn‘t checked that. thanks
Which function does Dugin have in the Russian state at the moment?
Ok Junge, ich übersetze es dir: Erklär und beweis uns den Zusammenhang zwischen Gesichtsschleier und öffentlicher Sicherheit. Ich übersetz es dann auch gern. Und ja, wenn du Behauptungen aufstellst solltest du sie auch beweisen können.
Sorry for shouting in German. I thought you‘d speak that, because it felt you had skin in the game. Anyway, I also think you should explain how a veil and public safety correlate. If you can‘t do it in your own words, you provide a link.
I think that’s unlikely.
But I also thought Trump winning was unlikely,
So what do I know?
Klingt ja nicht schlecht. Wusste gar nicht, dass Goscinny auch Lucky Luke gemacht hat.
Exactly, why post a somewhat nuanced BBC piece, when you got the real deal. It’s not a related article, this one gives us more than just speculation, it tells us the facts that don’t need any evidence.
Even the sabotage of the French railways at the beginning of the Olympics is being attributed to Russia in this “analysis”. Without a doubt.
Also in the article:
It is important to separate the known facts from the allegations being made and suspicions voiced by Western officials.
because speculation without evidence might just be propaganda
It’s all about the language I guess. Fucking off the nanny state or sensing a culture war against vapes, really?, is the language currently used by the aforementioned press.
It seems the government is going to consult about extending a vape ban, while the disposable ban and the smoking ban is what is coming now.
Vaping used to be a cool thing for quitting cigs, but it’s become a zombie and is making a lot of kids addicted to nicotine.
Dann haben wir zumindest das gemein
Nice try to derail the conversation.
This is about smoking tobacco in children playgrounds, outside hospitals and schools. Explaining it again, because there’s also the chance you’re just a bit thick.
Concerning vaping: Disposable vapes will be banned. That’s it. Wanna rage against that?
Probably you do so because you got your fodder in the Murdoch papers and just need to regurgitate your breakfast. Judging by the lingo.
ist dann aber trotzdem ein politischer Anschlag.
no, and please don’t start defending next to my house, thanks
Thanks, we’ve already read the press release
Warum? Der Gottschalk hat doch schon extra ein Buch geschrieben, in dem er selbst klarstellt, dass er nicht (mehr) relevant ist.
what‘s this inclusive economy he‘s talking about?
Also das Land ist so arm, dass die Leute Klopapier klauen?
Gonna have to see those videos