I actually was meandering through some crochet tutorials recently and saw the tips about stitch markers and I definitely think that would make a huge difference! When I pick it up again I will try that.
I mostly wanted to crochet granny squares and make blankets like my gramma did…and be able to make certain other things WAY faster than knitting allows. We will see if I can catch on eventually, haha.
I recently stumbled across a crochet tutorial that really hyped the stitch markers and I definitely think it would help make things more concrete for me. I will try this method when I pick it up again, maybe in the winter. I mostly wanted to learn because of the granny square projects and how much faster it is then knitting for some things. We will see if I can figure it out, I guess 😅
(Edit: lemmy shit the bed and said my comment couldn’t be posted so I tried again and apparently it posted both. Whoops)