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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • They’re mostly a bunch of neo-colonists that believe in western exceptionalism and won’t spend any time learning about the country the west occupied for over 20 years, let alone the complicated dynamics of the country.

    I mean legit half the comments are variants of “We need to civilize the savages”.

    Reminds me of all the crocodile tears against leaving Afghanistan in the first place “Think of the women!” they cried, well what happened when the country was dealing with a famine (which of course impacted millions of Afghani women) and the US stole half of Afghani assets at a time they desperately needed it? crickets.

    Propaganda is a hell of a drug.

  • It’s not about specs or scope, it’s about designing a game to be actually FUN.

    This is the key point that these publishers and studios are trying to avoid.

    • How much of most AAA budgets are spent on designing microtransaction psychologically manipulative money sinks (dark designs)?
    • How much of most AAA budgets are spent on creating addiction in the player-base so that they keep playing the game (and spending money)?
    • How much of most AAA budgets are spent on bullshit DLC (not actual new content)?
    • How much of most AAA budgets are spent on bullshit to satisfy shareholders?
    • How much of most AAA budgets are spent on shit the devs don’t want, but executives do?
    • How much of most AAA budgets are spent on bullshit padding for marketing purposes?
    • How much of most AAA budgets are spent on bullshit DRM?

    And keep in mind, by budgets here, I mean both the dollar amount AND time spent by devs that could be spent elsewhere (which is part of the dollar amount since salaries, but I wanted to make it clear that time spent is also important).

    Some of the absolute best games in the industry have literally none of that, and people still want to play and buy them years after release because gasp they’re actually fun, but these publishers and devs don’t want to compare to those, because they WANT the industry to be a bunch of “GAAS” bullshit that’s basically a vacuum pushed into people’s wallets, cause hey, if it worked for Candy Crush…

  • That site didn’t give much info.

    I’m guessing you only looked at the summary then.

    It says they are hard working people who are underexposed to political info and don’t feel they can decide.

    That’s not what it said.

    Besides that making them fucking morons (sorry), that still doesn’t excuse their inaction.

    There’s plenty of data there that explains their inaction. Your refusal to read it doesn’t make you right.

    It all comes down to giving people a reason they can understand to take the time to vote.

    Again, asking an hourly wage worker that can barely make ends meet already to travel/transit and then wait 9+ hours in line to vote is completely unrealistic and not something they should be blamed for.

    But hey, like the other guy, keep calling them fucking morons, I’m sure it’ll work out great. /s

  • but asking us to pat some dim motherfuckers on the back because they couldn’t be fucked to fight fascism themselves and wanted us to do it at the ballot box is some straight bullshit.

    Not only do that, but they actively BOOST fascism. They keep using the pied piper strategy over and over again. If they’re that bad (and I’m not denying that they are), why in the world do they keep signal boosting those fucks?

    Cause it makes for an easy election win cause they don’t have to promise anything, just point to the contrast. I.E. they keep risking the fate of the entire world to win elections in a way that doesn’t affect their corporate donors.

    Just insane.

  • did nothing besides force people to pay for private insurance that covers nothing.

    Which also as a result gave insurance companies even more money to use to fight against any reform to healthcare.

    They use our own money against us, and it’s insane we keep letting them, but rock and hard place.

    I’m still uninsured, nothing has changed for me since the ACA. Here’s the thing – I’m not interested in “incremental generational change”, because I need healthcare myself in my lifetime. And I’m especially not interested in hearing that rhetoric from politicians who get a supermajority and do nothing with it.

    I’ve lost good friends to healthcare costs. Incremental change doesn’t mean shit to me anymore. They’re dead, they’re not coming back.