Just a dude doing internet things

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I feel like Linux alternatives often falter by trying to offer as extensive of a feature set as the proprietary options. GIMP would be better if it simplified it’s menu’s and focused on offering a strong central feature set, then expand on that core over time to offer a powerful workflow of it’s own.

    I noticed this especially with FreeCAD, which is trying to do like 12 things for some reason? Just offer intuitive parametric cad and focus on it. We don’t need OpenSCAD inside FreeCAD because OpenSCAD is already it’s own thing for example.

  • Yeah that’s why I put it in quotes, it just kept popping up when I searched for distros more inclined towards gaming lol.

    Yeah I didn’t know about bazzite before going about this whole thing, but I am not going to try gaming on my system until nvk becomes more capable. Even then only light work.

    I’m not necessarily a begginer as I have been using Linux for a few years now, but arch is definitely out of my wheelhouse

  • You would still have to develop good biking infrastructure.

    Also, what if people aren’t physically able to take the roughness that can come with riding a bike/scooter (I ride my bike as my main form of transportation and bad roads can be really aggressive) In that case you would also want to throw in a good transit system people could reliably use and get to places at a reasonable time (my local transit system is so bad that it would take an hour and a half to get to school, whereas it takes about 40 minutes by bike)

    And at the end of the day, supporting a multitude of different transport methods from walking to high speed rail is beneficial for everyone regardless of thale situation we end up in.