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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Just for interest, this is the latest model chatgpt 4o, seems to have focussed more on the emotions and the simplicity.

    Tiny Habits: The Small Changes That Change Everything” by BJ Fogg is a practical guide that explains how to make lasting changes in behavior by starting small. The core idea is that by focusing on tiny, manageable habits, individuals can create significant and sustainable changes in their lives.

    Key Concepts:

    1. Behavior Design Framework: Fogg introduces the Behavior Model, which asserts that behavior is a result of motivation, ability, and prompts converging at the same moment. For a behavior to occur, there must be sufficient motivation, the ability to perform the behavior, and a prompt to trigger it.

    2. Start Small: To create lasting habits, start with tiny behaviors that are easy to do, such as flossing one tooth or doing two push-ups. This minimizes resistance and makes it easier to maintain consistency.

    3. Anchor New Habits: Attach new habits to existing routines. For instance, after brushing your teeth (an existing habit), perform a tiny habit like flossing one tooth. This linkage helps in remembering and performing the new habit.

    4. Celebrate Successes: Immediately celebrate after completing a tiny habit, no matter how small it is. This positive reinforcement helps wire the new behavior into your brain, making it more likely to stick.

    5. Iterate and Expand: Once the tiny habit is established, gradually increase its complexity or add new tiny habits. This approach allows for scaling up behavior change in a manageable way.

    6. Focus on Positive Emotions: Fogg emphasizes the importance of feeling good during and after performing the habit. Positive emotions reinforce the habit, making it more likely to become automatic over time.

    Practical Applications:

    • Habit Stacking: Create chains of tiny habits that build on each other throughout the day.
    • Behavior Swapping: Replace unwanted behaviors with positive tiny habits.
    • Tiny Habit Recipes: Develop specific, actionable plans for incorporating tiny habits into daily life.

    By following these principles, Fogg argues that individuals can create powerful, lasting changes in their behavior without relying on sheer willpower or motivation alone.

  • The GMO gene in Golden Rice is patented. It’s just licensed for use for free in developing countries on small hold farms. A monoculture of golden rice would be less diverse than the current wide range of heritage rice varieties, and there could be over reliance on it which could case issues if there was a blight. Theres some concern that spread of the genes could catch unaware farmers with legal issues, but it’s harder for rice genes to spread than most other crops, as they’re usually self-pollinating. The risks dont seem to outweigh the benefits in this case, but it is more complex than it appears on the surface level. Greenpeace doesn’t seem to be able to use scientific research to back its claims here, and is instead just staying true to it’s anti-GMO message.

  • My understanding with phones is that you phone your own provider, who then looks up the provider of the number you’re calling based on country code, provider or area code prefixes. Providers will “peer” with each other to route calls over the most cost efficient path. So the other sides provider is responsible for getting it to the right destination phone within thier own customer network. Theres no authentication from the sending party on a protocol level, this is why scammers can spoof as any phone number.

    I believe that IP routing does something similar, the IP data is handed over to possibly multiple providers until it reaches its destination provider. The blocks of ip addresses are published as linked to an Autonomous System and each autonomous system has an owner/provider. The source is not authenticated at a protocol level which is why we need client and server certificates.

    In DNS you go to the root TLD servers and ask what IP the .com resolver is. The .com resolver has a list of mappings of authoritative name servers to domains. So example.com may have an authoritative NS of who you can go to and ask what IP test.example.com is hosted on. The authoritative name server is the source of truth for that domain and other servers cache it to prevent overloading and increase speed. You may check with the authoritative NS if you want, but it may be slower to respond than your local NS. Again DNS is not authenticated at the protocol level so we need server certificates to prove that the device behind the IP serving you is allowed to serve you test.example.com.