I don’t see whats stopping you from doing exactly that ten years ago. What you describe it just tag searching. Plenty of software exists to do that.
I don’t see whats stopping you from doing exactly that ten years ago. What you describe it just tag searching. Plenty of software exists to do that.
Seems pretty good, just waiting on the communities im in to leave discord.
I think im around 2000 without ever leaving it idle…
Hey, did you go into hiding? Things take time i hope you’re still holding out. Regardless of the state of your transition i hope you aren’t alone. Isolation is maybe the worst thing you can do. Good luck Amelia, and remember that you matter.
Only those aren’t frames they’re glowing. Dude has individual monitors to permanently display those won arguements.
Bla bla bla Hyprland is a dyanamic tiling window manager that doesn’t sacrifice on the looks blah blah.
How do people think of stuff to post?
Cool desktop!
Its only 40s of work.