Suction cupping could be a possibility on the sphere, it does not explain why I had ridges on miniature prints.
Suction cupping could be a possibility on the sphere, it does not explain why I had ridges on miniature prints.
I don’t think it’s the render, there’s no ridge on the model when I’m supporting or slicing.
I generally have my lift set to 7mm, which should be enough. If it continues even if I don’t pause the print, I’ll give it a try.
That’s what I’m beginning to suspect, other prints that have had ridges or offsets I paused as well.
It’s not supposed to be there, there was no ridge when I was supporting and slicing.
It may be because I paused the print to check raft adhesion. I’ll try some prints tomorrow without pausing.
The preview does not have a ridge, nor was there one when I was supporting and slicing.
I should add that I’m using rafts and lifting the prints 5mm.
So pausing the print appears to be the issue. I printed 3 minis today without pausing, and they all came out perfectly.
Thank you for all the responses!