I hope in the last leg of their campaign they dig up Nixon’s bones and get a endorsement from him to try and draw in conservatives that don’t care one bit about Nixon, and alternate and demotivate their actual base of voters!
Imagine being Latino in a red state.
Nope, 1/3 of the population never votes. That’s around 100 million people. And neither party has close to 50% of the US population, so it doesn’t come down to a little more than half no matter who wins.
This is America, and they aren’t white. They don’t speak white.
The news says the Republicans are better at [the economy] because they are. How are they better. Because they are better for the economy. Who crashed the economy the last four times it’s happened Republicans. They’re so good at economy!
No one called her derogatory epitaphs, totally unrealistic. Also more SA threats need to be there and a few death threats.
My dad was African Caribbean with a heavy accent who got citizenship after decades in the US. At times, legal, at time illegal, as the system is quite intentionally broken. After ALL that experience, being repeatedly treated with racist attacks by cops, bank tellers, and who knows how many else, that’s just was I was around to see happen. Anyway, he was VERY pro-trump. Mostly because he was juvenile, and liked he could say a few lines of whatever Trump was saying and it would piss everyone off. He just loved it.
It just reminded him a lot of those situations you know. A lifetime of experience…
This was the goal, vauge laws that stop ALL care and independence.
I agree, makes no sense to hold someone accountable for other people’s views and actions, if she’s willing to stand up for her own views that’s all it takes.
He wouldn’t be a batman villain for long. Pretty sure the other villains at Arkham would take him out Dhamer style the first chance they got. They’re mustache twirling evil bad guys from a horror show, NOT child molesters.
Dude it’s elves who knows. She also slowes the passage of time by like MONTHS for a day, on top of being immortal it’s pretty obnoxious. Maybe they only plow once a 1000 years, or maybe it’s every day and they are only fertile once in thousands of years.
There are people who fired on police breaking into their home and won on sale defense.
Even before that they have been accused of not buying stocks ordered by users, then buying at sell order and waiting for the price to raise to sell so they get a profit. It’s been questioned a long time.
Look as long as your a NATO nation, we’re a perfectly peaceful and reasonable super power with a military that would scorch the earth to ash within 24 hours.
Based off OF. they took parts off of the base and put them in their stock script about a love triangle.
I still dislike Kelly, it’s so odd they fiered him for testifying in the first impeachment because he thought he was doing a great job defending Trump, the man is clueless. But also great at deleting the state department.
Best of luck, wish me good luck on getting out of here before everyone realizes they closed the boarders going OUT as well as IN.