Would you use a similar oven setup to bake pizza as well? I am still struggling with the pizza crust. It usually is too hard or too soft. The dough seems fine but I just can’t get a good crust.
Would you use a similar oven setup to bake pizza as well? I am still struggling with the pizza crust. It usually is too hard or too soft. The dough seems fine but I just can’t get a good crust.
Thanks for sharing! A very intriguing recipe will definitely try that out. Currently, I lean more towards using a cast iron pot for a reliable crust since I am fairly new to the backing business.
Vermutlich würde ich die befüllen.
Aushöhlen und dann das Fruchtfleisch mit anderem Gemüse anbraten. Dann mit Reis und Käse vermengen und Würzen. Alles zusammen wieder in die ausgehöhlte Zucchini füllen und dann Backen.
Kannst eine Tomatensoße dazu machen, passt top.
I think you need to separate belief from religion. Personal belief is all fine. Everyone has the right to their opinions and freedom to practice them as long as it does not harm a third party. What is difficult is when you bring in religion, which is built on some consensus about belief and the problems that arise from that.
Well, you got me mate. It was my russian accent wasn’t it. Next time I will be more subtle. до свидания.
Are these russians in the room with us right now?
rus*ian propaganda
Point me to where the russians support leftists in the western world.
I either go for a short rise duration when there is not much time to spare with
I shape the pizza directly then let it rest until the oven is preheated which usually takes around 30 minutes.
Or I go for a 2 day dough with a pre dough of
Which I mix with the remaining
after ~12 hours.
Then I let that rest for another 2 hours. I haven’t really worked out a routine yet on the fermentation.