Just a guy jumping from a hot mess into more prosperous waters.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • The short version is that there are two images and sidecar/xmp file sandwiched into one file. First is the standard dynamic range image, what you’d expect to see from a jpeg. Second is the gain map, an image whose contents include details outside of SDR. The sidecar/xmp file has instructions on how to blend the two images together to create a consistent HDR image across displays.

    So its HDR-ish enough for the average person. I like this solution, especially after seeing the hellscape that is DSLR raw format support.

  • I feel that this can be addressed at application step. Any date of birth proven to be under 18 cannot apply without an in person interview. This protects minors from taking on debt without fully understanding the implications, and puts responsibility on the lender for providing credit to a minor. If credit is provided and defaults the debt should be the lender’s problem for taking such a huge risk.

    Alternatively, the same premise with the exception that an adult is required as a cosigner. If the account defaults the burden is shifted to the adult as they have the cognizance to understand and take responsibility.

    I wouldn’t outright ban giving accounts to minors. My parents opened a savings account in my name and kept it in good standing. This gave me a big credit boost that my peers never had. But I realize I am an exception, and the problem others face is very real.