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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • This did happen, but primarily due to propaganda of the right wing which tried to portray this as an old vs young conflict, when actually it’s a poor vs rich conflict.

    Tax might rise a little bit for working people due to this, but as the rent that was expanded here (AHV) is a great distribution tool, around 90% of the population will later get more money back in rent than they’re paying into it now.

    Also, the method to finance this is not yet set. Some centrist politicians are open to financing this by raising a tax on finance market transactions, which would probably be the most social. (And of course lefties like me would love to finance this with an inheritance tax, but that has almost no chance)

  • We played another session in our Kings Dilemma campaign. With about 10 sessions in we’re reaching more of the story endings and the excitement for the finale is growing. We’re playing woth a lot of roleplay and the campaign has born a lot of running gags, so it was a blast once again.

    I also got to play a game of Blood Bowl, for the first time in many years. While my dwarfs sadly lost to the Skaven and Orcs, a lot of fun was had, especially when the Steamroll came in in the last turn and massacred both enemy teams in the Bloof Bowl.

  • Ja und schusssichere Weste macht den Besuch in einer amerikanischen Schule auch viel sicherer.

    Ich meine, ja, schon, aber es wäre natürlich trotzdem Stuss das gesetzlich zu verlangen.

    Deine Studien belegen ja selbst dass ein Helm zu tragen erstmal zur eigenen Sicherheit beiträgt, wenn auch nicht so sehr wie man es vielleicht erwarten würde.

    Auf einer politischen Ebene hast du natürlich Recht, ein Verbot würde mehr Nachteile als Vorteile mit sich bringen, das belegen deine Studien. Aber auf was du hier antwortest bestreitet das ja gar nicht.

  • The problem is really alternatives. Give into Russias demands and they will do the same again soon. It will also send a message to China for example and make war more likely in the long run.

    What kind of peace agreement would you see possible?

    Btw if you’re interested on the topic of the risk of nuclear war related to Ukraine there’s a good video by Lonerbox in which he also explains the logic of the side you’re arguing with here in more detail.