• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Over the past several days I’ve seen you draw out many good faith disagreements about racism or nazism into what seem like intentionally blurry “just asking questions” type derailments whereby you try to shift the topic of the discussion to other, emotional or tangential details and or try to misrepresent the issue at hand to make the racism or nazism seem not that bad. I really don’t think someone would do that if they were coming from a place of genuine confusion or curiosity or dialogue. I might be wrong, but taken together it really gives the impression, intent aside, that you’re trying to spin up plausible arguments for far right stuff and then sow confusion whenever people say “hey, don’t do that, it’s harmful”. I just don’t believe there’s wiggle room here. I don’t want to have a circular conversation about it, but i do want to point out directly what you’re doing, because I think it sucks, and I think that you should stop.

  • I just want to state very emphatically that deradicalizing people is a specific skill set and set of actions that is completely different than “being friendly to nazis”. And tolerating bigotry so that people don’t feel bad about their bigotry is just tolerating bigotry. On that note, on another post you argued heavily with multiple users that white privilege is not real and that you were being oppressed for your whiteness. I thought maybe you were very young, or confused, and tried to have empathy and explain some concepts, but here you are now also arguing that we need to be nice to nazis for the good of society so that they don’t feel oppressed. I suppose you might say that pointing this out and making you feel more oppressed would drive you further away, but a better approach, i think, would be to tell you very very directly that the things you have been saying here, in multiple places, are white supremacist talking points. And no one here is going to condone that. Stop. If you need help stopping, that is your responsibility, not the hypothetical 9 other peoples’.

  • I would try to be cautious about that line of thinking. Some incidents that have nothing to do with criticism of the Israeli government: the threats this week at cornell, high profile people like kanye getting away with and normalizing overt hate (not criticizing israel, saying literal weird antisemitic stuff), the qanon stuff, the Pittsburgh shooting, the hate incidents in Florida, the neonazi and fascist militias increasing in many parts of the u.s., etc. These are people making threats, specifically against Jewish people, and saying that Jewish people existing is a problem. These are not people criticizing Israeli government policy. I think the ADL and other entities have been criticized for sometimes not making a clear distinction, but incidents completely unrelated to criticism of Israel’s gov have definitely been rising in a lot of places and it’s unfortunate that bad faith geopolitical rhetoric is obscuring that.