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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2023


  • Yeah, I used medium on both and let it preheat a good while. I wasn’t sure what temp I wanted so let it set at medium low for 10-15 minutes before deciding that wasn’t high enough and turning up the burners.

    Didn’t seem to affect the rest of the range anymore than having three burners (I had a pan of eggs going too) with three individual pans would have. Took forever for the griddle to cool off enough to pull it off the stove though. I would guess that’d be the case with any heat source, that’s a lot of iron to cool.

  • Since it sounds like you’ve lived mostly in the south, I’m going to quote some advice my wife gave to a co-worker when she first moved up Georgia.

    “You may think you have winter clothes but, you do not. Buy a coat, gloves and, a hat when you get here. They don’t carry them heavy enough down there.”

    Also, if you’re going to try to be outside in the winter, consider bomber hats these if you’re not familiar. They look dopey but you wouldn’t believe how much warmer they keep you. I keep one in the car for emergencies and I’m convinced it’s saved my life during some breakdowns at -50.

  • Don’t fall into the St. Cloud mentality of the Twin Cities being 45-60 minutes away meaning you can’t take advantage if it.

    Also, don’t fall for the “The cities are a war zone, you’ll get shot down there” crap that a lot of people outside the metro try to sell. Minneapolis really isn’t any worse than any other city that size and neither is St. Paul. A lot of the people who are deathly afraid of the cities are really just afraid of cities in general and don’t have any real concept of what is or isn’t a bad neighborhood.

    Also, I’m seconding the food recommendations but I’d add that my wife and I were in St. Cloud this spring and we went to Arroy Thai & Filipino which was also great.

  • I like to say “don’t become an anecdote.”

    Lol, this makes me think of a guy I went to highschool with. He was a farm kid who would get up early and work around the farm before school. One day he spills gas on his flannel shirt before school but doesn’t have time to change so he figures it’ll air out enough on his way to work (it didn’t). Second or third class of the day was shop. He starts working in the welding booth without stopping to put on the flame retardant overcoat. A hot spark hit that gas soaked flannel and dude light up like the human torch. He had some serious burns but makes a full recovery. For years after that though, the shop teacher used to say to anyone who complained about the overcoats, “go ask Phil if they’re worth it or not”.

  • I had a friend in highschool who’s dad had lost part of his pointer finger to an encounter with a saw blade. He had just a little bit of the bone beyond the second knuckle that was weirdly pointed and it hurt like hell when he jabbed you with it. I know this because I used to help them build shit around their farm and if he caught us being unsafe he’d poke us in the chest with that damn half-finger while he yelled at us about it.

    Those lessons really stuck too.

  • Have you ever read Command and Control by Eric Schlosser? I’ve never read anything that made feel so terrified and hopeful at the same time. The number of close calls (that we know about) that we’ve had but, cooler heads (or random chance) saved us at the last moment is both horrifying and grounds for having a fair amount of faith in most people to do the right thing with these things. Of course, the amount of times we were saved by random ass chance is absolutely terrifying.

  • I think if it were over 100 it would be almost always be a yes. But to be entirely honest, t probably depends a lot on the day and the mood I’m in. There are days I might do it for one or two. On the other hand, there are days when I think the planet probably needs fewer humans so yeah, as bad as it sounds to say out loud, it depends entirely on the type of day I’m having.

    Today, I think it’d take at somewhere between 10 and 20. I guess I’m feeling optimistic.

  • So my wife lived in Waco 15 years ago and bought a cheapo enameled DO at the grocery store. Her mom liked it and bought herself one there too. Two years later, the enamel on her mother’s was cracked and peeling. Wife bought her a replacement. Two years later, same thing. Meanwhile, the original one my wife bought has been the workhorse of her kitchen for 15 years and the only chips it has are exterior ones from damage during cross country moves. I’ve often wondered if that company’s quality control sucked and we just got lucky or if my MIL was that hard on them.

  • Condolences, that really sucks.

    There wasn’t sad food to go along with it but, my wife and I had a very similar experience. My nephew passed away after 3 months of trying to repair a heart defect (HLHS specifically). My SIL, her husband and, her other kids had been living with for the past six months because we lived near the hospital he was treated at. Their extended family spent a lot of nights with us as well.

    The day after he passed away, they all went home. My wife and I are child free so we were just alone in this quiet, empty house that had been loud and crowded since we found out our nephew was going to be born with a bad heart. The weight of the past months hit us all at once and we sat there sobbing for what felt like hours. It’s been like three years and I still get teary thinking about it.