Ex-egg. Turns out wishing you were a girl does work.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2024


  • Oh hai ~ the weekly thread is back, yay!

    Things are pretty good here. Weight is slowly dropping off, which is a relief (still lots to go); I’m two weeks into DIY, and stuff seems to be happening. It’s quite hard to be objective though. At least I have a backup plan in case the doctor is uncooperative.

    Because of all the waiting I’m a bit worried about losing momentum, especially when the self-doubt creeps in. Well, screw that voice - I’m gonna be a woman anyway :3

    Oh, and I bought some clothes in preparation for the cooler weather. The sleeves are all too short, so I’m (re-)learning to sew. Take that, fashion industry!

  • Waiting…

    … for my hair to get long enough for even a short feminine cut. I don’t really feel like wearing a wig, but I guess I might try a cute headscarf.

    … to lose weight. I’m going about as fast as I safely can, and it’s noticeable, but there’s still a lot to go.

    … for hair removal. Seeing the effects already, but gotta wait at least a month between appointments.

    … for hormones. First appointment in six weeks or so. At least there’s DIY as a fallback.

    But! I’m out to my family, and my immediate coworkers (I work from home anyway). So I can wear what I want, practice my voice and makeup, and things are good. I don’t wear anything more boyish than women’s jeans and a semi-fitted T-shirt (OK, fairly neutral), and I guess I’ll just tell anyone who asks. Just wish I could see in the mirror how I feel.

  • Had a nice long chat with the wife. Basically explaining the story so far, all those obvious-in-hindsight things. Talked about how I want to start HRT, and what that will entail. She’s cool with it becoming a same-sex marriage, and went as far as to say “I know you’re not the type to fool around, but if you decide you like men instead, that’s OK with me”.

    Since coming out things have been noticeably friendlier (not in a euphemistic way, just actually talking about stuff in a warmer tone). Which is surprising, but I’ll take it!

    Things might all turn out OK after all. ☺️

  • Oh yeah, same here. I had my first session last week - they gave me the anesthetic cream for free because I paid up front. Gosh, this must really hurt, thinks me, starting to get worried because there wasn’t time to put it on before starting. The lady kept stopping and asking if I could stand the pain, but it didn’t hurt at all (the SMELL though…). That made me worry the laser wasn’t working on my hair (I’m dirty blonde, although my facial hair is a bit darker).

    I can still see the shadow, but shaving this morning there was a lot less stubble than usual! There is hope!

  • Just about collected enough of a wardrobe that doesn’t look awful on me (ie the right size and not hyper-feminine) so that I can dress in women’s clothes all the time. Plus a growing pile of “don’t wear outside the house” and “possibly when I’m a different shape” reserves :) Wearing my old men’s stuff feels uncomfortable, so I threw most of it out except for a few items in case I need to emergency-stealth.

    Makeup turns out to be not as obvious to other people than I thought! Went out the other day with eyebrow pencil, mascara and some light eye shadow, and even my wife (who in theory knows what I look like) couldn’t tell what I had used.

    Otherwise it’s hurry up and wait. Consultation for laser this week, and maybe I can get on the list at the gender clinic for counseling in October (a GID diagnosis is required where I live).

  • just trying to do what you think is attractive

    Oh yeah, that’s been a total brain-melt for me too. I think I’m starting to see a difference between “be her” and “be with her” attraction, but so far I’ve just been trying things out at random :)

    I forget where it was, but I saw some photos recently of plus-size models (proportionally larger than me, I think) who were wearing skirts really well. Apparently there’s some idea of “dressing for body shape” which I guess I need to figure out…

    Fashion be damned, I’m gonna wear a skater skirt and stripy socks at least once.