Hello! My name is Rykah, call me Mercury if you prefer. I’m into punk (the cultures and the genre) and I’m a multi-media artist. Check out some of my work and my link tree over on Tumblr: https://in-a-field-of-paper-flowers.tumblr.com/about/

Listening to: Subject 31 - Morty (VIP)

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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: April 30th, 2024


  • Oh. Hmm. That’s how I’ve always approached my work for corporations. I don’t think it’s fair of them to ask for any more than that when they’re literally destroying our planet. Fuck 'em. Also, I mean, it’s not really quitting if they’re still working, is it? Odd terminology.

    Addendum: Just ran into a good “old” quote about this: “How in the hell could a man enjoy being awakened at 6:30 by an alarm clock, leap out of bed, dress, force-feed, shit, piss, brush their teeth, brush their hair, and then fight traffic to get to a place where essentially you made lots of money for somebody else and were asked to be grateful for the opportunity to do so?” - Charles Bukowski, Factotum, 1975. We live in slavery. We are forced to work to our deaths just to attempt staying alive. If you must work most if not all of your life just to feed and shelter yourself when those resources are abundant, that is slavery, more so when you - have - to support quite literally fatal industries to do so, and pay taxes. It is not a system of consent. It is not a system of acceptability. It is not a system where I’m gonna fucking smile and pretend everything is okay while people suffer terribly for truly no actual reason but imaginary fucking numbers that some assholes decided is more important than human lives.

  • I don’t think quitting should be quiet. I also don’t believe in this bullshit about food costing money. We pay too much in taxes that pretty much all farms rely on for that shit. If farmers truly do need more so everyone can have free food, for fuck’s sake, give them more. Why the hell are we paying so much to kill people instead of feed people? I’d so much rather pay a farmer than the military industrial complex, and frankly, I think most people would. We have to rise up. The corporations and the errant worker actually aren’t even the biggest problem with this story. The main problem is the government is not doing their fucking job, which is to properly distribute.

  • I think it actually may be a human failing, because human rights have been iffy as hell for all of recorded civilization. This is why it is argued by some that robots could be superior and consider us as too errant to allow continued existence. Perhaps, having an exactly defined and unwavering moral code, actually will make them superior and also save our asses. It seems like the reason human rights keep being disrespected is that people kinda just do whatever they want, and it seems like half the time what they want is cruel or harmful. I think until we find a way to increase mass empathy, our species is definitely gonna keep harming itself until it (and probably everything else) goes extinct. I feel robots (actually existing) are kind of antithetical to empathy, especially under capitalism, especially while made of hazardous materials that require ripping up the earth. I do however think discussion and content of this subject really opens up the dialogue on rights of all intelligent beings and the definitions of intelligence itself and I find that very important. I think we should perhaps be at this time more focused towards expanding the rights of humans and animals before robots, though. Like, this subject is so “getting ahead of ourselves”, as Solarpunks, that it’s almost kinda funny. Strikes me more as Cyberpunk territory, really.

  • My phone, a cheap Moto, has survived probably around 50 drops and falling into a tub. After years it still holds charge fine and I’ve made and sorted through (probably) hundreds of thousands of files of content with it. My current computer has also survived a lot and lasted longer than more expensive ones I’ve had previously. It’s a cheap HP. I don’t know if this is exactly “solarpunk” but it’s technically low-footprint (comparative to industry standards) just because the tech lasts, even through hardship. I’ve also kept all my old tech and plan to recycle it after I’ve retrieved the data. Recycling is solarpunk, I think. I also have a vibrator that’s lasted years, takes only one triple A battery, still works great. I intend to get rechargeable batteries soon. Battery waste is icky and battery recycling is tricky (because they’re made of such hazardous materials). I’m hoping to get a solar roof installed but that’s gonna take quite a bit of time especially since my country doesn’t exactly have the greatest subsidies for residential solar.

  • I am embarrassed, for you all. The planet’s dying, and y’all are fine with it. Nothing more embarrassing than that. Y’all genuinely make me wish I wasn’t part of the human species. At least the people that care enough to take action like in the post remind me that not all of us are stupidly evil. Hard to tell that from the internet, anymore.

    Update: this is why you use /s, on the internet. Unless the comment is so incredibly outlandish it can without doubt not be taken seriously, it’s liable to be misinterpreted. I’ve heard arguments like you made before “in genuine” because people are paid to say terrible wrong shit by this industry. Anything that can be construed as support for them or an attack of their competitors must be clarified as a joke if you don’t want people to get (fairly) pissed.

  • I’m unemployed right now but all my previous jobs have been within a couple miles and I would walk or every once in a while get rides with coworkers. Usually I listen to music on my phone outside of conversation. I’m looking for work currently that’s either online or that can still function that way. I really hate to contribute to the petrochemical industry and I try to reduce it however I can. Anything beyond like 5 miles, I’d basically have to contribute. We don’t have much of any public transport in the center of America and the little we do have seems to all run on gas anyway. In my specific area there’s not even chargers for electric vehicles, not as far as I’ve seen. It’s pretty whack, imo.

  • Actually, it has to do with hierarchy, and as a communist you should be able to see that. Capitalism itself is a hierarchy, and you’re putting the professional over the individual. You’re denying people the right to learn how to take care of themselves. You’re also making it more difficult to cross-profession. You’re perpetuating the system. You need to check yourself before you wreck yourself. I’m not talking about learning everything. I’m talking about learning to be self-sufficient, which I already said. If you are actually a communist, being such a clearly not anarchist one, you need to consider putting your focus on arguing with the right-wing instead of your comrades.

  • I feel I can say with certainty that it helps me heavily with focus and energy. I’ve most primarily had issues quitting because of that. I have rather severe depression that I’ve not been willing to go to SSRI’s to treat due to my interest in the arts. I possibly have ADD. I definitely have oral fixation (teehee). There’s alot of neurochemical/psychological factors that can increase dependence on this drug just as any drug. It really is easier for some to quit than it is for others. If I had quit, I wouldn’t have watched this video. I wouldn’t be able to. You’re tough! I hope you stay off it, yo. Nicotine’s… pretty awful, as a drug. I don’t personally see it as the worst, but it’s definitely not great.

  • Fixing a toilet should be considered a basic life skill, in my opinion. So is plastering, which is basically just large-scale patching. Toilets are important for quality of life, or are you going to try and disagree with that too? You’re literally the one moving the goalpost and you admit that by referring to the comments rather than the post, which was what I was talking about, and have always been talking about. Maybe stop throwing a fit just because I said the people deserve better education and that capitalism sucks. Both are true whether you like hearing it or not. Anarcho-communism believes in strengthening the individual so that if the society fails, the people can still survive well. It’s called self-sustainability. Be mad at it if you want, doesn’t make it wrong.