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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 20th, 2023


  • It does look odd. I remember reading an Australian soldier’s account of one of the early battles. They described trading fire until they were ordered to fix bayonets. They started charging and he said the North Korean soldiers all threw down their weapons and ran away. From that point on the Australians relied heavily on bayonets as they knew the North Koreans were not too fond of them.

  • I love this thing. I’m finishing games that I probably never would have gotten around to playing previously. I’m consistently impressed with how well games run, and how many of them run. I run Linux on my desktop as well and there is pretty much nothing I play that can’t be played on Linux/Steam Deck. I’m going overseas for 6 weeks in the near future, which would ordinarily mean I’m restricted to playing games on my phone. With Steam Deck and a dongle, I can continue to play all of the games I would play on my desktop. The Steam Deck and Proton have been revolutionary.