Edit: Sorry, link does not open the table. It’s table nr. 2.
Edit: Sorry, link does not open the table. It’s table nr. 2. – Inhaber von – ist seit Monaten verschwunden und niemand weiß nix von ihm, außer dass er auf Geschäftsreisen in Asien sein soll. Daher ist kürzlich das Gerücht aufgetaucht, er sei in Nordkorea.
Electricity is usually not made from fuel, though, but from a wide variety of resources. And you forgot the last step – transmission of heat from the stove to the food. Gas stoves are far inferior in this step, losing most of the heat into the surtounding air. Induction stoves have almost no transmission loss.
Another reason is installation. In order to use gas in the kitchen, you have to have a gas pipe in the kitchen, which has become very unusual. During construction, it’s easier and cheaper to not lay gas pipes. Most people do not have a choice – either you got an old house witha gas pipe in the kitchen or a newer one with a 400 V power outlet.
That’s fascinating. Especially the rain part, because our Tesla’s driving assistant just does not work in bad weather. I cannot imagine how it is technical possible to get a camera-based system to work reliably in bad weather without some mechanism to keep the cameras clean. Our rear camera is basically unusable during winter unless we get out of the car and clean it every single time we need it.
Thank you for your advise!
“Bare Metal Linux”. I like it!
Ich bin ja mal gespannt, was die dann auf meiner Arbeit machen werden. Wo wir doch gerade von Windows 7 umgestiegen sind und jetzt alle mit der Digitalisierung beschäftigt sind.
That’s possible, I’m comparing what I know.
By the way, VW hasn’t just a lane keeping tech, the car is able to drive autonomous in standard situations. Our VW (build 2022) was far better than our Tesla (build 2023) in lane detecting, lane keeping, reading traffic signs (dven in the Netherlands), navigation, detecting city and village boundaries, detecting crossroads, keeping distance and following lanes in curves – the tesla tends to ignore the law of physics and to go to fast. Tesla is far better at detecting waste bins though. It detects every single wastebin there is anywhere within 3 m of the road. VW lacks autonomous overtaking, and it slows for traffic lights but does not stop for them when they are red, that’s two points for the Tesla. Though Tesla slows for traffic lights even when they are green.
The VW was able to drive home from work almost autonomous – there were two crossings, one traffic light and one roundabout it needed my assistance. The Tesla would crash multiple times.
The most annoying thing with the Tesla is that it does not cooperate with the driver. VW has a genuine assistant – the car drives, and when I correct it, the VW just smoothly accepts the correction and carries on. The Tesla just stops working anytime the driver intervenes.
Minimum speed for vehicles to be allowed on the autobahn is 60. This is an autonomous traffic jam assistant – you can sleep during traffic jams now.
No, 60. seriously.
Unlike all other driving assistants you are allowed to let the car dive unsupervised on it’s own. Since 60 km/h is sort of the minimum speed for the German autobahn, this is an autonomous traffic jam assistant – you can sleep, watch tv or do whatever you like during traffic jams < 60 km/h.
We’ve got an Tesla and an Volkswagen ID3. Tesla’s charging planning is pretty good. Volkswagen’s driving assistants are vastly superior to Tesla’s (despite not being oversold as “autonomous driving”).
IIRC, the first robotaxis are operated by companies owned by Google and General Motors, and the only car that has a licence for fully autonomous driving in Germany (up to 60 km/h, only on Autobahn) is a Mercedes.
No, Tesla’s autonomous driving is not cutting edge.
The new chips are so powerful that most emulated apps will no longer feel emulated, which was a big hurdle for Windows on Arm to overcome.
So probably they’ve got an x86_64 emulator on board to be able to run non-native programs.
If I was prone to conspiracy theories, I’d think they plan to switch entirely to ARM and drop x86_64 support for Windows 14 in order to create a walled garden.
Ganz schön ausgefuchst, der Fuchs!
Ich bin mir relativ sicher, dass Dein Arbeitgeber in dem Monat, in dem Du wieder AF wirst, den Lohn tageweise berechnen muss – d.h., wenn Du bis 17. krankgeschrieben bist, bekommst Du 13/30 Deines Lohns. Und ich habe auch irgendwo im Hinterkopf, dass es tatsächlich immer pro Tag 1/30 des Monatslohnes ist, unabhängig von der tatsächlichen Monatslänge. Könnte aber auch anders sein, ich weiß es nicht mehr.
Edit: Es gibt wohl 3 verschiedene Methoden, anteiliges Gehalt zu berechnen:
Genaueres entscheidet der Tarifvertrag, der Arbeitsvertrag oder die Petsonalabteilung.
Das ist nachvollziehbar. Aber was heißt “im Auftrag oder Interesse eines ausländischen Staates handeln”? Honorarkonsule sind damit im Gefängnis. Und jemand, der bei einer Niederlassung einer ausländischen Firma arbeitet, steht auch mit einem Bein im Gefängnis. usw. usf.
Ja, in dem Alter reichen zwei Eltern nicht mehr… Menschen sind ja eigentlich Hordentiere, keine Einzelgänger.
Ihm ist langweilig. Müsste eigentlich auf die Straße und in die Gärten zu den anderen Kindern. Aber artgerechte Menschenhaltung ist heutzutage ja nicht mehr möglich. Und Kindergartenplätze sind ein Thema für sich.
searx is around for a couple of years now.
Sorry, my English does not suffice to decipher this string of words.
Actually no. A transsternal access to the heart is impossible with stone tools, even obsidian. Middle american ritual sacrifices were performed transphrenic – they had less problems with the complications of that access as they didn’t intend their victim to survive, in contrast to — most — modern surgeons.
Is it racist that you lack all American so called “races” eccept “white” and “Mestizo”?
Or is this a test for racism?
I don’t know where this claim of 90 % reduction in symptoms originated – the figures show an improvement of e.g. Bell 60 => Bell 80 for the Post Covid group, the other scales are similar. I’m not able to analyze all of the data at the moment, but at second glance this seems to be an effective treatment, changing the scores ~ 15–30 %. Far from 90 %. And the effect might be exclusive to Covid related problems.
The responder rate was 90 %, not the reduction of symptoms.