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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: February 24th, 2024


  • I’ve known quite a few cops while never being in law enforcement. The majority are decent people. Having said that they often turn a blind eye to the less ethical members of their ranks. Very few of them would overlook something like that. The problem is that they often cover for their coworkers concerned that they may need support in the future and not get it. Its a shitty conflict of interest that has no real penalty attached to it. Often not towing the line results in you being fired for some minor offense while the complete fuck ups often just move on to somewhere else before it comes to that.

  • I quit even responding to them. After two or three years I’ll get sued for a very small amount. It will be some radiologist who looked over a xray who has sold his debt to some bottom feeders. I wait until I’m served then I pay it. Within six months some other bottom feeder will serve me again for the same debt. When I go to court showing it was paid I can generally get my money back from the second bottom feeder. I’ve done this three times and got paid twice. The third time cost me nothing but time. Its long drawn out and stupid but its the shit sandwich we are forced to eat to live in the Home of the fee.