Oh no not violence against the rich! Inexcusable I say!
Very cool
Zionists were responsible for shorting the boycott against Hitler. So Zionists did bankroll the Nazis.
Though you are correct my comparison is not correct. As Zionists cannot be equated with Jews.
“It’s almost like the Jews and Hitler shared the same goal”
Wildest comment so far.
Be a lot less freedom fighters in Gaza if they weren’t being massacred by the fourth reich.
Only took them a genocide.
This is huge though. Public opinion is shifting so hard it is no longer popular to be pro Israel in public (though they will certainly be behind the scenes).
They forgot to include Benjamin Netanyahu so no deal! - Israel
Well those are American troop carriers and Turkey is aligned with the USA so it is obvious where they came from. The American Al Tanf base is also training those rebels.
For additional info see https://english.alarabiya.net/views/2024/11/30/as-lebanon-s-battlefield-closes-syria-s-reignites-why-is-turkey-opening-aleppo-front-now
Tax breaks for the genocide baby
Their brand new American M113 APC’s do not leave a lot to the imagination.
Yes Israel has been bombing Syria lately and killing civilians with it. You should pay attention before posting a comment
There are only two years before the midterms. We cannot afford criticizing the party right now /s
Oh well that kind of ruins my joke as well
But think of the KPI’s and all other three letter acronyms!
Intel is receiving massive subsidies. If you think about it it is miraculous they managed to lose so hard to AMD with all those subsidies.
A I!
And how are they supposed to do anything about Israel while being nerve gassed by Assad at home?
Israel is the party which has been bombing Syria lately. Lebanese people even back fled to Syria.
Even if they manage to beat Assad, America and Israel will start arming rebel groups who fight against them until Israel’s dream for Greater Israel is realized and Israel conquers Syria. Like I said, by fighting Assad at this moment while he is supporting Hezbollah and Iran against Israel these people are only shooting themselves in the foot.
Furthermore using their weapons to do nothing for Palestine and then attacking the enemies of Israel for so called “liberation” is a massive joke.
The Israeli annexed Golan Heights border on Syria and is close to Damascus. Many of these rebel groups have heavy presence there. The second and last link clearly explain how Israel is arming these ISIS and Al Qaeda fighters from there and even giving them medical treatment.
Tldr: Starting a civil war during the biggest fight against Israel is incredibly stupid. Doing so with American backing reeks of nothing more than dumb peons defending Israel.
The title is factually correct but there is no reason to put Israeli claims in the headline unless they want to be sure everyone ingests their lies.
Imagine paying 50 grand for a night visor more brittle than LEGO.