• 10 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023

  • I’ve been there.

    Waterloo occasionally hosts invitationals which take place over a weekend, with a series of five or six missions back-to-back on the first day with more relaxed player-organized minigames on the day after. If you imagine a full week of HvZ compressed into one day, cutting out the between-classes play and leaving the most intense parts i.e. the missions, then this is pretty much that. Waterloo campus is a tightly integrated network buildings connected through tunnels and skyways. There’s always more than one way to get where you’re going, and there’s a lot more tight corners and shorter sightlines than on a typical campus. All of this adds up to make running away far more viable as a survival strategy for humans than on other campuses; the locals know this well and know the best escape routes. Personally, I prefer to fight but I’m OK with a running fight; I like to keep other humans alive by keeping zombie headbands down. I made this triple flywheeler integration primarily for that purpose and was lugging it around for most of the day. As an invitational attracts more serious and better-armed players, the moderators decided to compensate by implementing a short stun timer: five minutes, later reduced to four. For a full day of missions, this is pretty brutal.

    The ultimate upshot of this is that both the humans and the zombies did a lot of running for the whole day. It was great, but by the end of it, I had a hard time going down stairs. (Surprisingly, it was going down stairs that was the most difficult. Climbing up stairs was easier.) I now have a better idea of what it is like for creaky old people, and I have Waterloo HvZ to thank for that.

  • This might be a bit of a non-answer, but my favorite thing about nerf is how different blasters can be different from each other while all being viable for use in most games. In a friendly nerf game in the park, you might see revolvers alongside lever-action rifles alongside dual-wielded derringers.

    There’s a soft spot in my heart for Swarmfires and Rayvens, largely becasue those were among the best (for HvZ, for a “shoot lots and protect other humans” playstyle) blasters in production at the time when I started playing.

  • Others have suggested greasing the dowel or using bearings, and if the issue was friction, then they’d be right.

    If the issue is inertia, then this won’t help. Accelerating a given mass to a given velocity requires a certain amount of energy, no matter what.

    What could help is something similar to a Huygen drive, where the filament is looped around a large wheel (large enough that the filament can curve around it without breaking) which is able to move against a spring or counterweight. This would allow the movement of the spool to be “averaged out” rather than accelerating and decelerating sharply on every extrusion and retraction.

  • I have experience buying, not selling, but should still be able to help.

    Local sales are the way to go for 3d printers. Local sales also allow people to see the printer and check that it works as they expect before committing to buying it. Most people will pay more for a known-working printer than a the-owner-says-it-works one. Local sales also avoid shipping which, in addition to the downsides that you’ve discovered, caries some risk for the printer. The downside of local sales is that you might have to wait for a long time until someone nearby wants the type of printer that you have (or until someone who doesn’t live nearby opportunistically picks up the printer as they were going to pass near you anyways).

    Nealy everywhere has a Craigslist-like for local sales, which could be Kijiji, Letgo, FB marketplace, etc. There’s no harm in listing the same printers on multiple sites to see which one gathers the most interest. (Just please make sure to take all of the listings down once the printers are sold.)

  • Fellow OpenSCAD user here. I’d recommend it to anyone as a thing to try, but not necessarily as a thing to certainly end up using.

    I love how much control it gives you over your designs and how you can use that to make intelligently parametric parts. I’m continuously frustrated by how it expects you to make (or find libraries for) everything from scratch. For example, I’ve recently discovered ClosePoints which is (a) brilliant and (b) makes me wonder why the heck this functionality isn’t built-in or at least in a default library. I’ve also found that using it for anything complicated has forced me to learn how to write better-organized code.

    You still have to put in work to learn how to use it. It’s just a different kind of work.

  • I remember. Flywheel tech was a huge thing for nerf when Hasbro figured out how to make good flywheel blasters. The Rapidstrike was a direct upgrade from the Stampede in nearly every way - more energy efficient, meaning a build could deliver the same power with smaller/lighter batteries, much less risk of runaway firing, and no worries about the geartrain breaking. The main thing that the Stampede had going for it was a very situational advantage: it worked as well with wet as with dry darts.

    Before the Rapidstrike, Rayvens and Stryfes were very popular. (Barricades were good for their day, but compared to modern flywheelers . . . well, there’s a reason why we don’t see flywheel blasters with serrated flywheels or intended for use with whistler darts.) I remember hearing speculation that Hasbro was working on something “like the back of a Nitron and the front of a Stryfe” and that it was going to be good - and oh man, that speculation was just spot-on.

    Now? Rapidstrikes are one of many good options and most people who would want one have several - but for a time, they were something quite special.

  • This would have been absolutely brilliant if it was released 3 years ago.

    I haven’t even gotten to the best part: the Nerf Pro Stryfe X fits magazines and darts from other brands.

    This is surprising given Hasbro’s past attempts to push proprietary ammo. I haven’t said this for a long time, but good for Hasbro.

    $120 feels like a bit of money for a semiauto blaster when Dart Zone just began shipping the $90 select-fire Omnia Pro.

    Indeed it does.

    the Stryfe X’s new rails and lack of barrel adapter break compatibility with a decade of body kits

    Wait, isn’t compatibility with existing kits the biggest benefit of keeping the form factor of the Stryfe? This doesn’t make sense.

    As happy as I am to see Hasbro moving into the modern era, I’m concerned that this may be too little, to late, too expensive.