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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Fucking hell. Another No campaigner given national airtime to blather on about progress when they are actually advocating no constitutional protection for a national indigenous body. That’s the opposite of progress. The dumbass said it himself: “There have been bodies before”. Those bodies got destroyed. The referendum was about cementing a voice into the constitution.

    To say the voice would have no powers is wrong. Fake news to create the excuse to vote No. There was never a NEED to write what the powers would be for the body IN THE CONSTITUTION.

    The point was to create constitutional protection of the existence of a voice. Look at the referendum question:

    1. “there shall be a body, to be called the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice;”
    2. it will make representations to parliament on indigenous issues

    So there was never any description of what powers and funding and structure the body would have. So how can this guy say it has no powers? The powers would have been up to parliament to create by passing bills and laws. Why would the constitution need to have those details in it? The referendum was to amend the constitution to make sure a body stays permanent.

    The No campaign gave all the fuckwits excuses to vote No. You heard a million bullshit excuses. Understand that they only have to obfuscate the issue and scaremonger and trivialize the idea because Aussies are dumb as shit.

    Claim it’s just symbolic, then claim it has too much power, claim it is divisive, blah blah blah. All those claims would have depended on parliamentary decisions! The referendum was NOT ABOUT DECIDING THE POWERS OR LACK OF THEM.

    Every fucking fossil in politics PRETENDS they are progressive. No one is stupid enough to punt a baby in public. They ALWAYS pretend to care. Read between the lines.

  • We already see at the state level that bodies like this do more than symbolism:

    In this article https://theconversation.com/some-states-already-have-indigenous-advisory-bodies-what-are-they-and-how-would-the-voice-be-different-214726, they mention an ACT community housing project for older indigenous Australians was provided in cooperation with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elected Body.

    The TSRA manage the fisheries in Torres Strait and many other projects.

    On the national level previously ATSIC provided funds for grants and loans and even provided funds for litigating native title claims.

    Previous bodies were not symbolic. Yet the No campaign will ALWAYS be trying to trivialize anything an indigenous body could contribute. We know exactly how these pieces of shit operate.

    The electorate is being characterized as racist deplorables?
    Yet the outcome here is obviously going to result in taking something away from a racial minority (i.e. see the previous indigenous advisory bodies and safely assume the next national body formed without constitutional protection will ultimately be removed again by a conservative election win). That is simply a racist result. Analyzing the material conditions and history, we can make the conclusion without obsessing over the motivations of individual voters.

  • The point was to stop the bullshit of dismantling those similar national Aboriginal orgs each time conservatives wanted to crush them to score a political point. Given their track record of ABOLISHING these bodies, the referendum would have protected them which would already be a material improvement.

    That would have been the change. That’s progress. But rather than making them permanent, the No vote has just doomed Australia to the endless cycle of creating an org then getting rid of it each time we switch governments.

    Australia already attempts to deliver policies and services for Aborigines but the recent approach has been to involve them in the design and delivery to give better results. That is why these bodies need to exist.