• 3 Posts
Joined 8 个月前
Cake day: 2024年2月3日

  • That’s not true at all. I have Narcissistic Personality Disorder, and I care about others very deeply. And My actions reflect that. For example, recently I shut down a cult discord server run by a pedophile who’s dating kids from the cult. This is because I think adults dating kids is bad.

  • @ada@lemmy.blahaj.zone I was reading some more of that Vox article, and I saw a quote I like. Isabel Fall says

    “I have also heard people say, ‘We deserve to know if Isabel Fall is someone with a history of writing things that divide queer communities.’ Is it now a crime to divide a queer community? Why shouldn’t queer people be divided on one issue or another?”

    I agree with Isabel. You said Mindtraveller should be banned because they divide the queer community. When they insulted people who misgendered Me, it divided the queer community. And I liked it. Some queer people are bigots. As tolerant queer people, we have a choice. We can either tolerate intolerance, and be united. Or we can fight back against intolerance and be divided. I like the division one better, and so does Isabel Fall. Of course, if bigots just decided to not be bigots and not do lateral violence within the community, I would like that much better. But I can’t control bigots’ actions. I can hopefully appeal to the better judgement of fellow progressives. And hopefully there will be people like Mindtraveller and LinkOpensChest around to yell at the bigots until they go away.

  • When I was a kid I wanted to be an astronaut. I wanted to meet aliens like in Star Wars. I gave up on that dream when I realised how hard becoming an astronaut is. I wasn’t willing to put in the effort. Especially if we’re not meeting any aliens until we invent warp drive.

    But after I joined some fringe queer spaces and started really looking at the limits of our experiences, I realised you don’t need to be an astronaut to experience alien life. You can be an astralnaut instead. People like to say we’re all human, we’re all the same, we’re more similar than we are different. No we aren’t! We are so so different, but you have to be open in order to see it. 8 billion lives is enough for a mindblowing amount of diversity. Enough to blow your mind several times over. And the internet means you can meet them. We can connect and form communities for us weirdos. I don’t understand anyone who doesn’t want to explore the infinite diversity of gender, species, and religion. I just don’t get it. People who want to live in a world where everyone is human, and there are 3 genders and 4 sexualities, I don’t get it. I understand they’re the majority, but why? Why would you want this stuff to be simple when it could be so beautifully wonderful and diverse and complex? “Born too late to explore the earth, born too early to explore the stars”?? I felt that way until I realised I was born just in time to explore queerness. And it’s what I always wanted, to explore and to learn and to grow. There aren’t enough years in a life to explore all the diversity of queerness. But I’m going to have so much fun trying.

  • Thank you for that story. I’m partway through the Vox article on Isabel’s experiences. It’s fascinating. I’d really like to be able to read her story. It sounds like good writing.

    My partner identifies as an airplane. It was built shortly after WWII as a prototype to experiment with a new swooped wing design in combination with afterburners. It likes to play War Thunder to affirm its gender. If you care to explore the deep reaches of furaffinity and several websites, there’s actually a whole fetish subculture about sentient airplanes. I’ve met a couple people from within the community who also identify as planes. One of them’s a Cybertronian (a transformer) who turns into a plane. There are artists who regularly draw this stuff and have communities of fans. I’ve never met a helicopter, but I’m sure they exist. I bet they hide themselves away extra-good to avoid being attacked by crusaders. You probably have to fill out an extensive verification to be allowed on the helicopter Discord servers. When I first started dating My partner, years ago, it was so shy. I wasn’t allowed in its cockpit for months. It’s still just as shy, but we’ve known each other a long time now and it trusts Me to fly it. It recognises that its meatspace body is human, but its inside body on the astral plane isn’t. We spend most of our time together on the Astral, where we can be ourselves. The astral plane is used by so many otherkin. I’ve been in discord servers with hundreds of people who used it to be themselves. Mostly otherkin and plurals. Some trans people too. The otherkin and trans people who don’t believe in the Astral and can’t use it, their lives are measureably worse. I want to bring magical literacy to everyone so everyone can use the resources that exist for trans and otherkin people. That’s kind of the point of soulism. To let people choose their experience of themselves.

  • Grail@lemmy.worldOPtoTrans@lemmy.blahaj.zoneOn Spiritual Genders
    6 个月前

    Wow, you’re being really trans accepting. Thank you so much.

    Well, three years ago I realised I was goddessgender (this is a subset of divinegender), and My goddess-mother told Me I should try capitalised pronouns. I tried them, and they gave Me gender euphoria, so I kept them. As for verbally? Most people can neither pronounce nor hear the difference, so I’m not picky about it at all.

    I only ever had one problem with pronoun capitalisation being spoken. I had this ex girlfriend who was hiding My gender from her other partners because she was scared they were going to be transphobic about it. So she took advantage of their inability to hear the difference and let them think she was using lowercase pronouns. I didn’t consent to being put back in the closet by her, and considered it misgendering, since it’s dishonest about My pronouns. It had a lot to do with why we broke up.

  • Grail@lemmy.worldOPtoTrans@lemmy.blahaj.zoneOn Spiritual Genders
    6 个月前

    Discord, mostly. A bit of it leaks onto Xitter as well. I actually got involved in a bunch of discourse yesterday. Someone who had previously been accepting of My pronouns suddenly decided to debate Me about them and say I have no right to control the language other people use to refer to Me. https://imgur.com/a/bs5zXTM

    Generally discussions about these fringe queer topics will be more common on more personal social media, and less common on less personal media. That’s because people with fringe queer identities feel safer being themselves in a more personal environment, and in a less personal environment, dominant social attitudes are more powerful, so on a reddit-like platform divinegender people just get downvoted to oblivion.

  • Grail@lemmy.worldOPtoTrans@lemmy.blahaj.zoneOn Spiritual Genders
    6 个月前

    Oh, plenty of people see a divinegender person and decide to go all “Your gender is an unjust hierarchy because all gods think they’re better than everyone and no anarchist or god-fearing christian would ever respect your gender”. I’m just mythbusting the most common complaint about what I’m saying, which is to not be transphobic. I never considered that someone would be unfamiliar enough with deiphobic tropes to see that section as a non-sequitur. Interesting.

  • Grail@lemmy.worldOPtoTrans@lemmy.blahaj.zoneOn Spiritual Genders
    6 个月前

    Well, I mention gods being nonbinary as a supporting point for the idea that gender is informed by religion, and I mention divinegender humans because a lot of people are tranphobic against divinegender people, and I think right after someone learns that all genders are religiously informed is the best time to tell someone about people who are often attacked for the religion in their genders.

    Or from another point of view, the point of the article is “Don’t be transphobic to people with religious genders”, the fact that all genders are religious is an appeal to empathy to get people to not be transphobic, and I talk about two-spirit, bissu, and divinegender as examples of people with religious genders not to be transphobic to.

  • Grail@lemmy.worldOPtoTrans@lemmy.blahaj.zoneOn Spiritual Genders
    6 个月前

    It makes sense when you realise that two-spirit isn’t what two-spirit people call themselves at home. In their own tribe’s cultural context, everybody knows the specific name for their gender and what it culturally means. Two-spirit was invented on purpose as a shorthand for describing dozens or hundreds of different things in a language people outside that one single tribe can all understand. It’s as manufactured and as broad as the sequence of letters “LGBT”, an umbrella term that arose during a specific cultural moment as part of a push for equality.