• 12 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023


  • Well, when IQ was invented, it was assumed that well-adjusted people generally had higher IQs, and since there -are- people with incredably inhibited mental capability, and those people -are- considered neurodivergent by definition, it was assumed that high functioning neurodivergent people must also be “mentally deficient” if they can’t function properly in society, with some exceptions to savants who were recognized as being so highly capable in their field that it compensated for their “stupidity” in common matters. It’s also noteworthy that public understanding of mental health disorders pre-80’s boiled down to “r****d” and “schizo.”

  • It’s more to the point that tasks are easier for neurotypical people to accomplish because the world was built for their minds. Neurodivergent people have to build up skills and workarounds for functions that seem to come naturally to NTs, eventually creating a mosaic of little crutches and scripts to follow in order to fit in or even function at all in modern society.

    NDs don’t have “the box.” NTs are born with “the box.” Society says you must stand on the box (that it’s assumed everyone has inherently) in order to participate. So the ND makes their box out of the many tiny tools and workarounds they build to “stand on the box” that they don’t have.

  • Sci Fi is a flavor of fantasy that favors grounded explainations over magic, yet can’t escape it entirely. In order for something to be sci fi, it must have something in it that can be percieved as “magical,” even in the “sufficiently advanced technology” sense of the word. Jump/warp tech, laser weapons, space warfare in general, most life support concepts, AGI… All magic as far as we know now. Any sci fi without the roots of fantasy is really just modern fiction.