alcoholic idiot nightmare gamer winemaker

  • 5 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 22nd, 2023

  • hello again everyone, back in rehab. first time in this one, probably 20 total detoxes but first proper rehab it’s really flash but crikey they were stingy with the benzos at first, nightmareishly difficult first day it took me 14hrs to blow zeros.

    about 10mins til I’ve completed one day.

    damn it feels good to be back, missed these groups. going to as many AA and NA meetings as possible. also dealing w trauma

    wish you all the best, will not drink today

    also I made a meme

    i can just walk out the front door lmao but strange town and no car.

    got a buddy of 15 years who lives close by who I only met once on his 18th, he saw how gnarly I got and he decided to quit drugs alcohol and cigarettes been clean ever since. so I am helping people somehow.

  • IM BACK. for good this time.

    -trigger warning-too many to count last friday i drank 30 beers and 3/4 bottle of scotch, was generally belligerent and self injuring so the ambulance was called, I got restrained and woke up in a padded room still smashed punching the glass and screaming, crashed again and woke up in mhicu, mental health intensive care unit, sober now and realising where I was, I was on best behaviour.

    place sucks. no telly, no books no radio, fights every few hours, super heavy furniture, big frownie face on the wall written in blood. I literally sat and watched the clock for over 9hrs during the 3.5 days.

    ive got an AA meeting in 3hrs. IWNDWYT