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Joined 5 years ago
Cake day: October 17th, 2019


  • Similarly moving on to a decent issue tracker, Jira’s support for Epic’s/stories/tasks/capabilities and its linking ability is a huge simplifier for long term planning.

    Modern ticket system or issue tracker? Yes, absolutely. But Jira? Certainly not, considering Atlassian’s business practices. A project like Linux deserves a system where they can maintain some control and it probably should be open source.

    Yeah email is ancient and certainly terrible from a usability perspective if you’re an outsider to the workflows, but at least it can’t be shut off or taken away on a whim. Also it’s universal and therefore accessible.

  • Ich verstehe einfach nicht, warum Deutschland nicht bereits vorhandene Konzepte aus anderen Ländern übernimmt und / oder anpasst. Hier in Schweden ist beispielsweise BankID standard.

    Das ist ein reines Ego Problem, das ich genauso auch im Unternehmensalltag sehe. Statt eine Lösung, welche prbolemlos funktioniert, einer anderen Abteilung zu übernehmen und den eigenen verkorksten Ansatz zu vergessen, muss man demonstrieren dass man auch schon selber groß ist und den blöden input anerer nicht nötig hat. Leider denken viele das wäre ein Zeichen von Intelligenz und Selbstvertrauen statt purer Dummheit.

  • There are tools that are being used to attempt to detect if a piece of work is AI-generated. If those tools say something was, it’s then on you to prove that you hand-created it.

    They don’t work. It’s total bunk.

    Even some artists are already having issues because things “look” AI-generated.

    Exactly. See above. No one can (confidently) tell which is which. There’s just educated guessing.

  • What is your take on this particularly in relation to the SAG-AFTRA strike over streaming residuals? Even if you want to pay for a creator’s work, most ways to consume content now mostly does not get to the creators of a work.

    On general principal I always support workers rights to strike and applaud them for fighting for a higher wage.

    My personal opinion in this particular case: Many writers in this industry very much overvalue their worth, especially considering the low-brow content they create (10 years or more of capeshit), how replaceable they are (barely any original idea in sight), the low general quality of their work (I’m not even watching this shit for free, you’d have to pay me) and the encroaching power of AI. I’ve never seen such a long-string of garbage writing coming from Hollywood (or maybe I’m just lucky having observed a golden age of TV) and I’ve not seen a similar decline in quality from other craftsmen (cinematography, acting, sound and music…) in the industry. Maybe writers can make some short-term gains, but unless they hone their craft to bring it above the level of what ChatGPT can create right now, they are going to lose their power struggle in the long run.

    I’m not even sure how renting or buying a title through a digital service like amazon or google is distributed to creators vs how much goes to the platform and copyright holder.

    Often there are options. Speaking about music: A spotify subscription is most likely useless for supporting smaller artists, but buying their merch or stuff from bandcamp is a no-brainer if you have the money.