Tapioca salad is a Thanksgiving staple in my family. Leave the canned cranberry jam at home, thanks.
Tapioca salad is a Thanksgiving staple in my family. Leave the canned cranberry jam at home, thanks.
No, that’s a different band altogether.
I’m so happy EC3 requested his whole, unedited promo response be included in the article. It really illustrated the mindset of WPC’s NWA.
Iowans calling themselves “midwest” while voting like southerners. You hate to see it.
Nah, they’re just in Davenport.
On a related topic I wonder if Plague of Gripes ever finished that fence around his farm.
The original PS1 game had both main character options, if that makes you feel better about it.
The Orange Box was a lot of people’s first Steam purchase. It’s hard to overstate just how much gaming value was included.
Guild Wars 2’s World vs World mode, but with an established IP and without the bolted-on single player content. And increase the team sizes while you’re at it. Sell cosmetic DLC to pay the bills if you must.
WvW was a blast until they shelved it for a year to focus on poorly-written single player DLC, and lost half of the community in the process. I tried going back a few years ago but it’s a grindfest now.
Ford has a hard enough time keeping up with demand for their vehicles as-is, so I kinda understand their decision. The US is starved for good domestic hybrid trucks, though, and Ford is leaving money on the table here.
Imagine telling people your first name is Gunner or Major and expecting them to take you seriously.
Suikoden II is generally considered one of the best JRPGs on the PS1, and while the English translation isn’t spotless the writing and setpieces have a similar quality to Chrono Trigger. It is a sequel to Suikoden and you’ll enjoy the second game a bit more for having played the first one, but it’s not a requirement. The original Suikoden wasn’t nearly as polished and I’d hate for you to give up on Suikoden II because you burned out on it.
Maybe a community college would have been a more appropriate venue for his visit.
I’m anxious to see where she goes next. Out of all the national companies, AEW and Impact are the only ones I trust to treat Sonny right.
I haven’t watched NJPW since I got rid of my Fire Stick years ago, so maybe this will be an opportunity to catch up.
Keep politicians out of sports events.
Crusade. The story was just starting to get interesting but JMS had used all of his pull just getting the fifth season of B5 on the air. I’m cautiously optimistic about the animated series that was hinted at by The Road Home but I’m also not holding my breath.
He will always be remembered for that time he did that thing. I think.
At least now they can get rid of Ace Steel, the rabid bugger.
Everybody loves The Acclaimed