Christians be like: those penguins are going to hell
Christians be like: those penguins are going to hell
All of this to run a program that is essentially typing a question into Google and adding “Reddit” at the end of it.
They spent so much time disconnected from reality and trying to create artificial intelligence that they forgot regular intelligence exists
Can’t wait to find out if the tories or the fascists will be the primary opposition of the red tories
Don’t these IDIOT COMMIES know that we are having record setting heat every year? Why would we want to absorb more sunlight smh
Because you can shoot down a helicopter but you can’t shoot down an idea
Sorry global shipping, we gave all of our missiles to Ukraine so we could stop the imminent Russian advance of 23km^2
I’m not owned!!! I’m not owned!!
It is a joke but I love my comrades for engaging in good faith
Why would the DPRK ever need the ability to bypass North Atlantic Treaty Organization defenses when the DPRK is nowhere near the North Atlantic? Somebody who is good at geopolitics please explain
200 meter miss is actually wild. No wonder the U.S. left the Red Sea in a hurry with its tail between its legs