So. We have been making plastic for something like 75 years now. We have been recycling for about half that. Have the recycling plants ramped up to anywhere near the level of plastic production? What precisely is the point of this?
So. We have been making plastic for something like 75 years now. We have been recycling for about half that. Have the recycling plants ramped up to anywhere near the level of plastic production? What precisely is the point of this?
I don’t know that there are standards these days. As often as I get shoddy products that then force me to interface with CSR…
I’m not saying right, or wrong, but wouldn’t known battery issues be the domain of the manufacturers? Sincerely strange that there has been no standard set up seeing as his so much of the foundation of the Internet depends on Linux machines. Did no manufacturer consider this? Seriously? Not trying to fight, but if dead battery truly is an issue… Seems odd.
As shoddy as the QC has been lately, I’m sure they have their consumer base to worry about. I bought a gray lift ergo mouse. Left click stopped working properly after about 3 weeks. Bought a cheaper, legit 3-button with a wheel also. Adjustable, rechargeable cordless. Works wonderfully after a month.
I’m sure this has already been asked. I’m too lazy to read all comments. Um, why would the dentists be mad? Are they not all in it for the money?
… Some others of us seem to have no understanding of the manpower at the fingertips of government. It’s a free country. Delude away. I remember when 9/11 happened. It took 3 days to get enough (about 2500) sailors on my aircraft carrier so we could break all kinds of records getting to the Gulf, and blowing up all manner of things. 3 days, from vacation to under way. Introduce some discomfort, and a little accountability and watch the mass of society scream about traitors. If you don’t mind being led to slaughter, then hooray for you. If you had any foundational knowledge to begin with you would understand that this is, indeed, a very necessary part of the growing pains of our country. Some of us want to be led, not caring to which type of slaughter. Others prefer to be left to their own lives until it’s time to fight for them. It’s perspective I suppose. It can come from understanding, or the lack of.
Probably because we get cold in some places. We can also make clothes. God forbid the clergy run up on some savages having a fantastic time of it.
WTF? Is this reality? Where is the rapture? Where is the second coming? Where are the child living priests? He has absolutely no place complaining about the pace of anything until his house is in order.
I haven’t even read the whole thing yet, but damn! You have a brain! I came here ready to take a dump on someone, but you… Make… Sense?? This does not compute. I gotta go somewhere else to empty my bowls. Good job.
How is the number growing? They had at least dozens of people sifting through, like, 18 years of video, for… Years at this point. What siege? Is Lancelot in one of those clips? Those clowns essentially just went in. Pft. Siege. Bombast.
Hypocrisy. Where was this concern when it was only 5-6 schools a year? Care? About the serfs? Nah, just wait for the brown man. We can visit it on him, whilst we are bemoaning our Brexiting! Pip pip, and all that nonsense.
As someone not from the US, your pets probably aren’t fed horrible food options multiple times throughout the day. You (your fellows in general) probably got your pet knowing it wasn’t an ornament. And you probably don’t have grass that is so heavily genetically modified that it can’t filter the poison most of these animals piddle out. Yes, we get burn spots in lawns. Yes also, most of us are slowly killing our pets. Who has time to train an animal? Who has time to feed them a diet that is remotely in tune with their biology?
Not ground covering, but new ground. If you want a say, then you have to take on personal responsibility. Or move. Either way, you choose to not look behind the curtain. Enjoy Stepford.
Gentrification even affects the rich. Welcome to the 1st world and it’s problems.
I’m not saying that one should be confined to home eating only what they personally curate. I am saying that this broad made it through medical school, did a residency, dealt with a healthy cross section of society at is dumbest. Who literally puts their life in the hands of a waiter, who has to them communicate to a cook, if there was one. Some doctors graduate with D’s.