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That’s not the utilitarianism I mean
I wish it had swipe to up vote and downvote but other than that I love the aesthetics.
On a visual level, we are more interested in genitals than hands? Also, faces.
Switched not to long ago and the reader mode is a lifesaver as well
What do you think about utilitarianism?
I’m getting the sense that some of these commentors are the same person.
I saw this video recently and honestly Hasan puts it best.
Thanks for this.
The LOTR show that they spend a cool billion on is awful as well…
It’s hard to comprehend from the inside. This country is full of traumatizing shit that’s really hard to face.
I think you might be confusing representative democracy with capitalism.
That first one most certainly does sound like an exaggeration, or at least an outlier. And in the context of this discussion it implies a false equivalence that anyone who thinks that our teeth look more like an herbivore’s than an omnivore or carnivore’s and takes from that that we should eat more vegetables, also thinks that you’re as bad as hitler or a nazis for eating meat.
But maybe one of us is misunderstanding. I certainly do think that the millions of animals being killed without a justified reason is a type of Holocaust. Sure, it’s not humans, but I think it’s a fair conclusion to come to. Regardless of if you’d call it that, can you see how all of this unnecessary death and torture is incredibly unethical? It doesn’t seem extreme to me if that’s what these vegans are saying.
Secondly, do you not think there is a similarity between fighting for the civil rights of humans and fighting for the rights of animals? I don’t think that’s a racist statement at all, and you know what? I think anyone who says it is racist is either actively trying to undermine the argument with adhominem or is simply too dumb to realize that’s what the person they heard say it originally was trying to do.
Vegan extremists, you say? What other views do these extreme individuals hold?
I’m guessing it’s not that we should be murdering humans for any reason.
Agreed! I’ve thought this for a while. It’s crazy that iPhone still doesn’t have a back button, and it blows me away that neither iOS nor Android have undo or redo.
Eh, I outgrew human milk at a pretty young age actually.